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Riverrun 297 AC.


She sat in her solar looking at the raven scroll and wondered why her life was destined to be so terrible. Cat had been a faithful follower of the seven, had tried to bring her children up in their light, and had thought that alone would see the gods look out for her and her family. Yet reading the raven she knew now she was wrong and the gods cared not, her life was merely a plaything for bastards. Crumpling it up she shook her head, trying not to let her mind go back to King's Landing, trying and failing.

Kings Landing the Tourney.

So far it had been a disaster, an absolute disaster, everything she had expected to come to pass had not and she'd had to watch as one event after another went against her. It was as if the seven had abandoned her and thought nothing of her prayers. While at first, it had seemed like the trip would bring her all she wanted, each day she spent in King's Landing instead only moved those things further away.

Petyr had avoided her, so much so that she had ended up cornering him to find out why, and him telling her how busy he was didn't ring true to her. That Lysa sniped at her about how Petyr always took time out of his day to speak to her and spend time with Robin, didn't make her feel any better either. As for her sister, there was something strange about Lysa that she'd not noticed before, something odd. Combined with the fact that their petty childhood rivalry had seemed, on Lysa's part anyway, to have developed into something else, it left her discomfited.

Her sister seemed to be going out of her way to ignore her, especially after she found Petyr talking to her one day. Cat couldn't understand it and Petyr waved it off as being just like when they were children. Though she had never remembered Lysa acting back then, how she did now. It took her until the day of the melee to speak to Petyr alone and about what she had wished to, and once again their talk left her confused.

"I've written to the High Septon and spoken to him, he had agreed that Ned and I can annul our marriage." she said and Petyr smiled.

"That's great news Cat, I'm most pleased for you.".

"Which leaves me free to marry another." she said softly looking to him.

"Is that your wish, Cat, to marry again? Would it not be best to wait some time?" he asked.

"I don't mean immediately, Petyr, but if the right man was to suggest it, then perhaps." she said trying her best to be coy.

"I'm sure there will be no shortage of suitors for your hand Cat." Petyr said before he looked over her shoulder "Ah, my man, I must speak to him Cat, I hope we can talk later.".

So by the time she had sat down and watched the bastard win the melee, watched as he took a step closer to winning a bet with the king, she had been furious. Though for once it wasn't Jon Snow alone who was the source of her anger, Petyr too bore some of it as he had taken none of the hints she'd dropped him. Looking around at her children in the crowd only gave her more reason to be annoyed, Bran had come to see her with her uncle, but so far Robb and Sansa had not.

Thankfully that night at the feast she got to speak to them both and it made her heart soar to see them so happy, to see them stand out even among the great and good in the realm. While she'd not been best pleased about the match that Robb had seemed to embrace, she was happy for her son and so she held her tongue for now. Something she did not do with Sansa, much to her daughter's annoyance.

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