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As they made their way inside the feast hall Jon couldn't help smile, Jaime had been right Genna had fussed and harried them when they thought they were ready, she had made both he and Loras change their doublets. Had then ensured their boots were polished to a sparkling shine and had paid so much attention to Jon's hair, that the others couldn't help but rib him for it for the rest of the trip to the Red Keep.

He had to admit though he did look good, the black doublet was worn over a white shirt, the breeches a black leather, his boots were shined and on his doublet, he wore a small wolf pin, a present he'd received from Margaery for his ninth name day. He had been delighted to see her wear his white wolf brooch and had felt bad that he hadn't the opportunity to wear her present, so was glad of this chance.

"Lord Lannister, may I escort you to your table." a dark-haired man said when they entered the room.

"You may."

Jon looked around nervously, what was he to do, should he move to a lower table or follow Jaime and the others, he looked to see Jaime smile at him.

"Let's take our seats, Jon."

"My lord," Jon said nodding.

When they sat down at the table Jon looked around trying to get the lay of the room, to his left a table was made up of what he assumed to be Riverlords, something confirmed when he noticed one of the boys he'd met in Oldtown. As he looked at the table he noticed one man was looking at him strangely, it took him a moment to recognize him, his auburn hair and blue eyes reminding him of Robb. To his right were the Lords of the Vale, he could see Lord Yohn Royce sitting there with some men he didn't know.

In the middle near the front were perhaps the Stormlord's, Jon wasn't sure until he saw a familiar face, he smiled and Lord Beric smiled back at him giving him a nod which he returned. At the back were the northern lords and Jon was pleased to see Ser Jorah and his lady wife along with Ser Wylis, no wait a moment, as he looked closer he could see it wasn't Wylis, Ser Wendel then perhaps.

There were some other northerners he didn't recognize, two men who looked a little like his uncle, Karstark's perhaps and a tall quite striking young woman who smiled at him when she caught his attention. He smiled back when he recognized her as Dacey Mormont, she then turned to speak to a large man who Jon was happy to see was the Smalljon. He couldn't for the life of him find Margaery or her family and as he looked around he heard a snigger come from beside him.

"Looking for someone?" Loras said.

"What, no, I."

"Careful Jon, my sister's not here yet and already your tongue is tying itself in knots," Loras said laughing.

"I was just wondering where they'd be sitting, I can't see any table for them," Jon said.

"Well, the Lords of the Reach is over there." Loras said pointing to a table in the corner "But if they put my grandmother there that will not go down well, perhaps she's refused to attend." Loras said and Jon's brow creased.

Their own table was a mix of Jaime and his family and some of the most notable lords of the Westerlands, Lord Brax and his heir Tytos and Lord Crakehall and his son Lyle were both there as was Lord Banefort. None of them had raised any objection to Jon sitting at their table, not that Jaime would have it, but over time he'd become friendly with most of the western lords, having attended meetings with Jaime. Jon was now accepted for who he was, rather than what he was.

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