4K 111 14

The North 294 AC.


Traveling was something Jon had gotten used to over the past six moons, from Casterly Rock to Lannisport, Kings Landing to White Harbor, from there to the wall and onto Winterfell. Now traveling past Castle Cerywn and into the Barrowlands Jon had come to an immutable fact, he hated it. Not the riding or the camping, not even the cold he found he liked that, but the daily grind of slowly moving forward and never quite getting where you wished.

He did however love his travel companions, he alternated between riding with Loras and Robb or moving to ride beside the carriage Sansa and the Manderly girls traveled in. He rode with Jaime when he was not riding with Dacey, not that he didn't like riding with them together but more so he could let them have their privacy. Something he had learned to his cost that led to certain actions between them, Jon would always knock from now on he thought as he smirked.

"What's so funny?" Loras asked.

"Them." he said motioning to Jaime and Dacey who were laughing with each other a bit ahead of him.

"She makes him happy." Loras said.

"Aye she does." Jon replied a smile on his face.

"Come let's ride."


"No." Jon said shaking his head.

"You ride too fast, so no." Loras said and Jon shook his head.

"I'll go slower, Winter just needs a run out, come on."

"All right." Loras said sighing.

The two set off quickly, Jors and Alyrs in pursuit, Robb had ridden with Ser Wylis this morning and Jojen and Meera didn't like the fast pace Jon liked to ride at. They rode quickly over the plains, up and down the hills and eventually came to a small stream where they allowed the horses to rest and drink and dismounted. Jon walked alongside it looking in at the cool water, while Loras sat on a small rock, Jors came over excitedly and Jon looked to him confused

"Look Jon, Salmon." Jors said as he pointed to some rocks ahead of them.

"Do you think we could catch some?" Jon asked.

"Aye I do, we're going to get very wet though." Jors said and Jon nodded taking off his cloak.

They spent the next hour trying to catch salmon with varying degrees of success, Jors and Alyrs had caught about a dozen, he and Loras none, but then Jon heard the excited yell from his friend.

"I got one, I got one" Loras said struggling to throw it to the bank,

"Throw it." he shouted and Loras managed to get it landed. "Well done."

Jon looked to the fish they had piled up, it wouldn't be enough for everyone but most would eat well tonight, he then had an idea but wondered how to do it with Jors and Alyrs around, he whispered to Loras and got him to distract them. Once he did so, Jon searched around before he found the perfect one, the eagle's talons were sharp and he'd make easy work of the Salmon Jon thought as he closed his eyes and opened the door.

It took him no more than another hour before he had enough, sending the eagle in one more time he guided it down to the salmon just as it jumped, as he had done for the last dozen times the eagle easily grabbed the fish in his talons. This time though Jon bid the eagle farewell and sent him on his way with his prize before moving to the bank and collecting the fish he'd left there. When Alyrs looked at him carrying them back he shook his head, he knew the man was curious but he said nothing and so they mounted up and rode back.

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