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Tumbleton 297 AC.


He had taken all he could stand, too much and more he'd allowed his mother her way on and while Ser Jon was and acted honorably. His closeness with his daughter was starting to become an issue and Mace could hold his tongue no longer. When he'd saved his daughter, he like his wife and mother had felt a huge debt of gratitude to the lad.

Seeing him crown her the queen of love and beauty had at first filled him with pride and then with worry. Though his sweet rose's words were enough to calm him down as she explained that Jon had done it, not for what Mace believed but to help her over her ordeal. Still, he had watched them closely that night and was happy enough to see that they danced but the once. Even smiling a little when he saw her dance with the prince and the image of her as a true queen once again began to take shape.

His mother was having none of it though, the next morning when he'd brought it up she'd once again shut him down. Not just on Prince Joffrey but on Renly too and it had made him furious, though it was what his daughter had done next which had been the final straw.

"You can't be serious, I'll not have this." he shouted as they sat in his mother's solar.

"It's a wedding father, surely someone should attend on behalf of our house." Margaery said her voice calm and composed.

"I'll not have you travel North, I don't even see why you would wish to." he said and his mother sat silently as Margaery glared at him.

"I wish to because Sansa is our ward and her father is to be married. I wish to because Ser Jon saved my life and the least I can do is show my respects to his house is it not? Were this a house in the Reach then you'd be all for it, Loras went North with no incident and for me, it'll be easier since I can travel by Pinnacle ship and not overland." Margaery said.

"Mother?" he said looking to his mother and expecting her to turn Margaery's request down.

"I think Margaery has the right of it, we have a relationship with the Starks and it would be unseemly for us not to attend, were it not for other matters than I would travel with her." his mother said and he looked to them both.

"Fine If you're so set on this then your mother and I will accompany you." he said only for his mother to shake her head.

"No, your place is in the Reach, we have much to do, Margaery can take her guards and along with Sansa and her brother's and Lord Wyman's, they'll be most safe." his mother said.

He had hoped that Alerie would take his part but she had not and Willas too had gone against him on this. The one comfort he took was that Ser Jon and Loras were heading West and wouldn't be attending. But each day they traveled and he'd break his fast and see the empty seat where his daughter would sit, Mace grew angrier and angrier. Finally, upon hearing someone mention Ser Jon when he was walking to his tent the previous night, it had turned out to be the last he could take of it.

So waking up the next morning he demanded to speak to his mother, determined to let her know his true feelings on this. No more would he accept her word that his daughter's friendship with Ser Jon was not scandalous or harmful to her future. When he walked into her tent he was stunned to see his wife and son there also, having expected that it would just be his mother, and he felt some of the wind taking from his sails.

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