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Harrenhal 281 AC.


She had been angry and sullen on the whole trip here, even being away from her father hadn't helped her mood. Though it was her brother she was angriest about over that, Ned prattling on and on about how Robert would be so happy to see her. What cared she for Robert's happiness and why didn't her brother care for her own. That Brandon was also as sullen and annoyed as she was didn't help the travel either.

Benjen at least was in a good mood, her brother enjoying seeing the lands around them for the first real-time. He'd traveled a little before but not this far south and so seeing the Riverlands had been an experience for him. For her and Brandon not so much and all Ned could speak of was hopefully rejoining with Robert and Jon Arryn when they reached the Crossroads inn. Something she was more than happy didn't come to pass as they had arrived before the Lords of the Vale.

Seeing Harrenhal for the first time though did impress her, even the bent towers and blackened stone only adding to the place in her mind. That there were so many tents and people already here was a surprise and as she looked to see the flags flying over the main keep she saw Brandon look away when he saw the trout. The Black Bats of House Whent and the Trout of House Tully were both flying at the same height and above them, the Three-Headed Dragon flew majestically.

"Does that mean the dragons are here?" Benjen asked excitedly never having seen a member of the royal family, something she too was excited about.

"Aye it does, so best be on your best behavior, I won't have you doing something that brings the family's name into question." Brandon said before laughing loudly "That's my job afterall.".

Lyanna couldn't resist the smirk and when they rode to where their tents were to be set up she was glad that she was considered a lady. Not that she thought of herself that way or that she was averse to helping put the tents up, more that she wished to explore and see more of Harrenhal, maybe even a glimpse of the Targaryens. She like Benjen had never seen any of them and she wondered if the books were right and their hair was as silver as she imagined it to be.

She bought a candied apple from a stall and had just finished it when she heard the noise, moving to see what it was she saw the three boys beating up the smaller one. Looking around she soon found the wooden sword that someone had discarded and picked it up and moved forward.

"That's my Father's man you're kicking, leave him be, go or I'll break your damn legs." she said as she swung and hit the first of the boys, the second getting a smack across the side.

"I'll fucking…." the third one said but the two smacks she hit him soon had him moving away.

"Go or I swear, the next hit will be much harder." she said glaring at them with the wooden sword raised.

"Come on, leave the frog eater with the ugly girl, we'll find better sport elsewhere.".

She watched them walk away as she helped the man up, finding him smaller than she when he stood. It was only then she truly noticed the sigil on his tunic, the Lizard Lion was almost completely covered in mud.

"You're a Crannogman?" she asked and the small man nodded looking away.

"Howland Reed." he said softly.

"House Reed is sworn to my father my lord, I'm Lyanna Stark." she said with a smile as Howland looked at her.

"Forgive me, my lady, I didn't know." he said almost shrinking away.

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