3.4K 90 26

Highgarden 295 AC.


The boy was nothing like his father, true he had only met Rhaegar briefly but even then it was clear there was a sadness in the prince, something that he didn't see in the boy before him. Once they'd been fed and warmed up Oberyn had seen to having rooms readied for them and after changing he was brought back to Jon Snow's room. He found the boy sitting by the bed, the large Direwolf laying on the floor and he looked on in amazement.

"Remarkable thing to see my prince."

"Call me Jon please, there are far too many people here who'd enjoy finding out who I really am." the boy said smirking at Oberyn when he took his seat.

"Jon, how much do you know of what Prince Oberyn and Lord Tyrion had me do in the Citadel."

"I know of your work Maester."

"Good." he said handing him the list which the boy looked at before handing it to Oberyn.

"This is all of them?" Oberyn asked.

"It is." he said and watched as Oberyn looked to Jon and nodded.

"Otar and Kates?" Jon asked.

"Brightwater Keep and Yronwood, Jon." and he noticed the look on Oberyn's face as he realized what that would mean, but it was Jon who was quicker.

"So not just the Lord Paramounts but also their strongest bannermen too."

"Indeed, it would seem my former brothers wished to ensure they decided who ran the realm, that should they be unable to control the fate of a house directly then they'd use their bannermen to do so."

"They poisoned Yronwood." Oberyn said and Jon looked to him.

"I thought that was you uncle?"

"Ha, as if I would need to resort to such a thing, Lord Edgar was a fool Jon but not enough to kill him, not for a night with a woman who was not your aunt." Oberyn said and Jon chuckled.

"Then why not explain it?" Jon asked.

"I am the Red Viper of Dorne, a legend in my own lifetime, the damage was done nephew, the insult already blamed upon me. At that point, my exile and Yronwood's slight were already known, so I accepted it and the name." Oberyn said with a bow that had Jon laughing again.

"But this was an attempt for what, to force a war between you, why? What did it benefit them then?" Jon asked when he stopped laughing.

"Nothing then Jon, but perhaps, later on, the bad blood remains and where there is bad blood…" he said before Oberyn interrupted him.

"There is someone seeking vengeance." Oberyn said.

"So Otar did this, what of Kates, why hasn't he done anything?" Jon said before he shook his head and looked at Oberyn rather than him "Can a woman be ehmm, can she be….is it possible to make a woman wish to couple?" Jon said and Oberyn and he both chuckled at the boy's sudden blush.

"I know of many ways nephew, maybe we can talk later." Oberyn said and wiggled his eyebrow making the boy blush some more.

"I mean by giving her something, if one was to give someone something to a woman, would it make her more…agreeable?"

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