3.6K 94 43

Highgarden 295 AC.


He had wished to speak to his uncle after the meeting, but he could see there was something upsetting Margaery and so after promising his uncle he would speak to him as soon as he finished, he had gone with Margaery and Olenna to Olenna's room. He had tried to reassure her along the way but for whatever reason, he found that while she smiled she never seemed to relax.

Once inside the room he took a seat and was upset to see she sat closer to her grandmother than to him and so when he spoke his tone was far harsher than it should have been.

"What's going on?" he asked and Margaery gave him a startled look which made him shrink back in his chair "Margaery please what is it?" he asked far softer this time.

"Are you competing in the joust?" she asked nervously.

"I am, me and Loras both, why?"

"And if I asked you not to?" she said and he looked at her not sure why she was looking so scared.

"I don't understand, why would you not wish me to compete?

"Littlefinger." Olenna said making him turn to look at her.

"My lady?"

"Lord Baelish met me outside my room, what he said Jon, how he said it, I think he plans something against you in the joust." Margaery said.

"What did he say?" Jon said and tried to keep his anger in check, thankfully it was Olenna who spoke.

"He tried to suggest he was bringing this." Olenna said holding up a piece of paper and handing it to him "From that spoilt prince as an apology, that we were all mistaken and he's not a sadistic little shit but a hero trying to protect my granddaughter." Olenna said with a snort.

"And about the joust?"

"That perhaps given your age you shouldn't compete, that one never knows what may happen." Olenna said and Jon calmed himself before going over to Margaery and kneeling down in front of her chair.

"Margaery." he took her hand and looked up at her "He can't influence the joust in any way, the draw we can change who does it at the last moment so he has no influence. I can have him watched so he doesn't get to speak to whoever I would face."

"I don't want you to compete Jon." she said looking at him and he looked to Olenna who nodded before he took her in his arms.

"Do you trust me?" he whispered.

"You know I do."

"I promise I'll be well, I need to do this Margaery to be seen to do this, Loras does too, but I swear it we'll both be unharmed. If I even think for a moment that there is some danger, I'll cheat." he said and she moved from his arms looking at him.

"Cheat?" she asked.

"I'll warg into my opponent's horse, have them ride away." he said and she smirked.

"You can do that?"

"Of course I can, if I even for a moment think myself or Loras are in any danger then prepare to laugh." he said and she smiled more true now "I mean what could be funnier than seeing a horse suddenly run off in a completely different direction." he said and finally got a laugh.

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