Prologue: Memories

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I rested my hand on my stomach as I walked through the village. I glanced around at all of the people who wore smiles on their faces as I passed them. They were happy about the news as I was. The newly married couple was with a child. I felt the dirt under my feet scuff up as I walked around looking for the people I loved. But word traveled fast around here. So, I wouldn't be the one to tell them the great news. People would already know from gossip, or they were there to witness it. I came around one of the farmhouses and smiled as I saw the person I was looking for. The person stood back to me, cleaning meat for tonight. I stepped up the house as the person sighed while hard at work, getting ready for dinner. "Mother," I said as I stepped closer.

She turned to look who was calling her. When she saw me, a smile came to her face. "Cassandra." She said with her arms opening for me. "How is my beautiful daughter?" she asked as I stepped into her arms.

"I am fine, mother," I said as I stepped out of her arms to stand next to her. She leaned down and picked up the meat. "How is Father?"

"He is still upset about last night's hunt. Mikael did make him work." She sighed as she stepped to the door. "Come, come. He will feel better knowing that you are here." She smiled as I followed her into the home I knew too well. We walked in to see my father sitting at the table, sharpening his sword with a stone. He glanced up for a second to see his wife walk in, but a large smile came across his face when he saw me.

"Cassandra, my daughter." He said as he stood up and placed the blade on the table. "It is so good to see you. How are you feeling?"

"Good, father," I said as I hugged him as he stepped closer to me. "How are you?"

"Great, now that you are here." He said as he pulled away and kissed the top of my head. My smile widened as he left my side to sit back in his spot. He picked up the blade and began sharpening it again as I sat down next to him. I heard my mother scurrying around for some cups for us. "How is that husband of yours?" I listened to my father ask with distaste.

I rolled my eyes as I turned back to face him. "I don't understand why you hate Nik." I chuckled as my mother sat some cups in front of us. "He is nothing like Mikael. He is actually charming."

"Yes, I know he is nothing like his father." He answered. "If he was, there wasn't going to be a wedding in the first place." I rolled my eyes as I took a sip of my cup. "There were many other suitable men in the village that would have been perfect for you. You just had to fall for one of his sons." He continued as he placed his blade on the wall behind him.

"Honey, I don't think this is the time." my mother tried to reason with him. But we all knew that once he started, there was no stopping him. He had always had a problem with Mikael and his family. It never got past a few words until I told him that I was marrying Niklaus. My father was never happy about that, but he still wanted me to be satisfied. For me, there was no one as interesting as Niklaus. Kol was fun to talk with, but it never got past that. 

"I mean, I would have been with Frederic." He stated.

At the mention of that name, my eyes snapped up with staring at the cup in his hand. The energy that was settled inside me shot out and threw through the clay, shattering it instantly. "You would have been fine with me being with Tatia's child's father?" My eyes narrowed as the energy swirled around me as I sat on the bench calmly. I watched as my father's face paled and my mother stood from the table. They both stepped away from the table as I waited for the answer to the question I voiced.

I heard my father sigh as he shrugged his shoulders. "No, Niklaus is a much better man than him." The magic calmed around me as the air in the went back to normal. "I'm sorry, daughter. I shouldn't take my anger out of you and your husband." He said as he sat back down.

"All is forgiven, father." I sighed as my mother placed a hand on my shoulder with a smile. "I am too good of a mood for it to be ruined with a few rash words." I smiled as I picked up my cup again.

"Really?" My mother took her spot next to my father as she looked at me. "And what has put you in a good mood, Cass?" I placed my cup down again with an excited smile. I turned, leaned down, and pulled a stone from my bag at my side. I pulled out a white stone and placed it on the table. I watched as my parents' eyes widened. "Is it true?" She asked as a broad smile came to her face.

"Esther did the stone spell with a little help from me," I said as I stared down at the stone. "I have a child, and it's a boy," I said excitedly. I watched as my mother sprang up from the bench and ran to me. She wrapped her arms around my neck and squeezed me a bit.

"Congratulations, my lovely girl." She said as she held me at arm's length. "What did Niklaus say? Does he know?"

"Of course, he knows. He was one of the first to know." I giggled at my mother's question. "Him and the whole village because of Esther. I just wanted to be the one to tell you." I looked over to my father, who hasn't said a word. "Father?" I asked caution. I didn't want to get into another fight with him about Nik. I wanted to share this moment with all of my family, including my father.

He seemed to be in deep thought until he heard my voice again. he looked up at me with deep eyes, but they quickly turned happy. He smiled at me as he stood up from his seat. He walked over to me and hugged me. "Yes, I am so happy for you, Cassandra." I smiled at my parents as we hugged each other. 

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