Chapter 1: The Prophecy

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Around 270 BCE

The vast chamber was swathed with a thick, pensive silence. 

The Royal astrologer cast the King and the Queen a strange look. Muttering a short prayer, the short man jiggled the sozhi in his hands and dropped them onto the carpet. He studied the pattern formed silently, stroking the small tuft of hair behind his head. The Queen bit her lip and shot a nervous look towards her husband Ilamchetchenni, the King of Urayur. He squeezed their entwined hands once and gave her an encouraging smile. They both waited with bated breath for what he had to say.

They were seated in the King's chamber, the window providing ample morning sunlight.

The astrologer finally looked up, his face revealing nothing. "Is something wrong?", the Queen asked, her face anxious, her hand instinctively going to her heavily pregnant belly. 

There was a pause. "You may speak freely", the King urged. The astrologer took a deep breath and straightened. "I foresee dark times ahead, Your Majesty", he stated ominously. The Queen inhaled sharply. "Dark forces shroud the Chola empire," he continued gravely. "Evil looms large, threatening to swallow all that is good."

Senatipati Irungovel, who was sitting adjacent to the royal couple in their private chamber, smirked. It went unnoticed. "What about our child?", asked the Queen, her eyes fearful. 

Uttering another short prayer, the astrologer once again gathered the sozhi and repeated the procedure. This time though, his face brightened. The King shut his eyes in quiet relief. "A son is to be born soon", he declared. The Queen mouthed 'son' and shot her husband a smug I-told-you-so look. He shook his head and suppressed a chuckle. The astrologer paid no heed to it. "He'll rise to become the greatest King the Chola empire has ever seen and will take it to great heights. Make no mistake, he'll face no shortage of hurdles and will know great pain and suffering. Yet, he will be the Saviour of the Cholas. He will annihilate the darkness that lurks. He will make your lineage proud." Irungovel stiffened involuntarily. 

Saviour of the Cholas.


"You have made me very happy despite some bad news, my good man!!", said Ilamchetchenni, smiling broadly. "Here." He removed the rings from his fingers and handed them over to the astrologer who bowed and received them. Collecting his belongings, he exited shortly. 

"Well, well, well... Congratulate me, Anna !", cried out Irungovel, a bright smile plastered on his face.

Startled, Ilamchetchenni quirked a brow at his cousin. "What for?"

"I'm going to become the proud uncle of a remarkable boy!! Am I not lucky?"

The King threw back his head and laughed heartily. The Queen smiled, albeit strained. False concern washed over Irungovel's face. "Is something bothering you, My Lady?"

She offered a bigger smile, shaking her head. "It's just that..." She trailed off with a sigh. "My son is to struggle. It saddens me."

"Don't fret!", he soothed, offering a saccharine smile. "After all, does a weapon not need to endure the fiery flames of the forge to be fit for wielding in a war?"

"You sure wield your words as well as your sword, Commander", replied the Queen cheekily. Ilamchetchenni laughed. A graceful incline of the head was all the Senatipati's reply.

"As much as I would love to stay here", said the King a few minutes later, his voice filled with regret, "duty calls. I have some urgent issues regarding trade that can't be postponed, my love. You look tired. Go rest and I'll come back in a while. I'll tell you all about what happened when I come back. Will you be okay with that?"

She stood up as well and offered a dimpled smile. "Go run the empire", she said winking. "Take care and return soon!"

"Oh, he's in safe hands, Your Majesty", jumped in Irungovel, his tone joking. He threw a mischievous look at his cousin, who was looking at him fondly. "Don't you worry about a thing."



It was (and still is) a common practice in India, especially the south, to predict the future by rolling cowrie shells (sozhi in Tamil) and assessing the patterns so formed.

Although written as Chola in English, it's ideally pronounced as Chozha  (சோழ நாடு)

Ilamchetchenni (Ilam- chet- chen- nee) - இளம்செட்சென்னி

Urayur (U-ra-yoor) - உறையூர்

Irungovel (E- rhun- go- vale) -இருங்கோவேள்

Anna - Elder brother

I gave the names in Tamil (actually Thamizh :P)  too lol XD 



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