Chapter 42: The Present

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They were in Nangur.

Valavan looked out of his chariot, slightly nervous. They had left Azhundur almost immediately after lunch, not giving Irungovel a moment to guess their intentions. Inevitably, Vasuki had to be informed as Alli decided to not go back to Azhundur to attend their dance class for a while and had to let her know. She was asked to not breathe a word to anyone though, something she had accepted whole-heartedly.

"You'll be paid", Alli had promised her.

"You shouldn't", Vasuki had insisted, shaking her head. "I'm not working."

"But you are working!", Alli had retorted, eyes firm. "We are the ones who are taking a leave. You will not be compensated for only when you leave this job."

Vasuki had reluctantly accepted, her face revealing her relief nevertheless. Once outside, Ilanchezhiyan had pressed a bag into his palm, smiling. "Your birthday present from me and your Mama!", he had said, shocking everyone.

It was his seventeenth birthday!

Having said thus, Chezhiyan had been the first to leave, making sure he drove his chariot rather fast. Whoever the spy was apparently didn't give a moment's thought to consider about the other chariot standing in the Palace. 

He didn't seem to have checked whether Valavan had gotten into Ilanchezhiyan's chariot either.

Valavan couldn't be thankful enough that he took his job so seriously.

Alli shot him a reassuring smile, drawing him back to the present. "Stay here for a moment", she stated before jumping out of the chariot along with Poovazhagi.

Valavan put his ear to the side of the chariot and listened. Judging by the sound of surprise he heard, he gathered that the Nangurvel seemed to have been outside the Palace with his Queen, no doubt taken by surprise at their early arrival.

It was only almost dusk.

Valavan heard Alli laugh. It was tinged with nervousness. He then heard Poovazhagi and Alli greet their parents. The Queen was the first to speak, her voice belying her confusion. "Alli? Poovazhagi? How is it that you've arrived this early? Don't you usually arrive a little later?"

"Look who is terribly happy to see us!", she exclaimed. There was a pause. He figured they probably weren't as amused as she hoped them to be. "Part of it might be because I killed three people today", she finally admitted, sounding rather proud.

"What?!", cried out the King and the Queen. Despite himself, Valavan let out a snort before immediately covering his mouth.

Silence ensued.

He heard the Nangurvel sigh. "Who is inside?", he asked. Valavan froze. With his ear still against the side of the chariot, he felt the curtains being pulled and immediately straightened. The Nangurvel stared at him in shock. "Prince Thirumavalavan?"

Alli gave a weak shout behind him. "Surprise!"

Valavan looked up at the Nangurvel, smiling awkwardly. "Greetings, Your Majesty!" He swallowed. "I killed four by the way." He clutched the small bag on his hand tightly. "Oh, on a side note, it is also my birthday. So, happy birthday to me?"


A shocked Nangurvel and his wife had escorted them into the throne room.

The Nangur Palace was, again, not as big as Urayur and was similar to Azhundur in terms of size. However, it was different from Azhundur in it's structure. While Azhundur had a closed throne room, the throne room of Nangur was circular and was open at the top. The chambers were all present upstairs in a circular fashion, winding staircases on either side leading to them. Anyone could peer down from the top to view the throne room below, almost resembling a balcony.

Karikalan: Saviour of the CholasOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora