Chapter 46: Confessions

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Everyone followed the Nangurvel to his chamber, not a moment past wrapping up lunch.

He went to his table and rummaged it until he found what he was searching for- his old map. Pulling the table to the middle of the chamber, he spread the map out on it. Everyone crowded around to peer into it.

The Nangurvel pointed. "As you all know, this is the Chola empire with Urayur as its capital." His fingers moved over the map. "These are the Velir kingdoms. Small as we may be, the fourteen Velirs are still invaluable to the empire. Without our support, Urayur cannot crown anyone as it's King."

Poovazhagi blinked. "Then why...?", she began before she caught sight of their grim looks. She shook her head. "Never mind."

The Nangurvel nodded. "Out of these fourteen Velirs", he said, addressing Valavan, "your Mama and I are sure to back you up." He hesitated. "The rest... I'm not saying that they are bad, for I personally can vouch for most of them as they are genuinely good." He paused.

Chezhiyan nodded. "But, they wouldn't go against Irungovel to support us in times of war."

The Nangurvel shook his head. "That is not what I meant", he corrected. "All I'm saying is that we cannot be one hundred percent certain that at least some of them will back us."

Valavan blew out a breath. "I know for a fact that Irungovel is exceptionally well with his words." He made a disgusted sound in the back of his throat. That action reminded the others that his voice somehow had shifted again recently- from hoarse to something else. It seemed to be modifying on a daily basis and it was definitely getting more... pleasant. "He'll either win them over with sugar-coated promises he never intends to keep or threaten them into submission." He nodded decisively. "It wouldn't be wise to include any of them in our potential allies list."

Ilanchezhiyan nodded with him. "I'd have to agree with the Prince, Your Majesty", he said, his eyes pensive. "We should never consider a kingdom as our ally unless we are positive that their loyalty is absolutely unquestionable."

The Nangurvel scratched his beard. "What about Cheras or Pandyas?"

"No!", said Valavan firmly. "No outside help. I consider it to be a shame to go to them of all people."

Alli took a deep breath. "So, as of now, we have Nangur and Azhundur with us." Her eyes widened. "That's it? Two? Velir kingdoms at that?!"

"Don't forget Puhar", reminded Ilanchezhiyan. "It is not a Velir kingdom, not even a kingdom to be honest. But, it has a sizable army. It should do."

Alli shot him a dubious look. "Are you confident about that?"

He shot her a puzzled look. "What do you mean, Princess?" His eyes filled with pride. "I've trained most of them myself and they are loyal to a fault."

Alli shook her head. "That their loyalty is debatable is not what I'm trying to imply. What I meant to point out is the fact that Puhar comes under Urayur's jurisdiction." Noticing her father's look, she added hastily, "Well, so does Nangur and Azhundur. But, we are only Velirs. Poompuhar though, could be argued to almost be a second capital to the Chola empire. Can it break free?"

Ilanchezhiyan exhaled. "That is an excellent question, Princess. The answer lies in the question itself though." Alli raised a brow. He elaborated. "As you said, Puhar is almost like another capital. That entitles it to a respectable amount of freedom." He grinned. "The Commander of Puhar has some privileges. My men will fight where I ask them to. Irungovel can go ahead and try to force them against their will."

Poovazhagi raised a brow, impressed. Ilanchezhiyan caught that and gave her an almost demure smile. Alli tapped the table. "Well, that is still abysmally less! We have two small Velir kingdoms and one sort-of-capital with us." She looked around. "What are our odds?"

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