Chapter 5: The Swim

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Five years later


"Just one more mouthful... Please?"

Five-year-old Valavan crossed his tiny arms across his chest, scowling. He shook his head vehemently, making his dark, curly hair fall across his face. His mother stifled a smile, maintaining a stern face. Without warning, he broke free from the grip of his kneeling mother and dashed out of their chamber. Surprised, she turned around to call him back when he collided with a tall man. 

"Oof!", cried out Irungovel, with an exaggerated expression of hurt on his face. Thirumavalavan giggled, his dimple teasing his cheek. Irungovel mock scowled. "First attacking me and then laughing at me. The audacity!" Saying that, he swooped down to pick him up, making Valavan dissolve into peals of laughter. The Queen chuckled, shaking her head. "Stop spoiling him! He needs to eat the fruits and vegetables I give him!"

Irungovel shot Valavan a naughty look. "That's what made you bolt out!" He leaned forward, his voice dropping to a conspirational stage whisper. "Can't blame you boy. They taste horrible."

The Queen made a noise of protest. Both of them ignored her, bursting into another round of laughter. "But-"

"Oh come on! It's not a big deal! He can eat them later. Right boy?", asked Irungovel, shooting another sly look at his nephew, who nodded eagerly. "Besides, look at little one all riled up. We can't have that now, can we?"

Valavan looked at him, eyes wide with curiosity and excitement, and nodded vigorously. Irungovel smirked. "Care for an evening swim?"

"Swim? Now?", asked the Queen, aghast. 

"Why not? I'll bring him back in a while."

The Queen bit her lip. It was mid-afternoon! Valavan suddenly tugged his face towards him. "But Chittapa, won't you be busy now? Father is always busy!"

Something passed over Irungovel's face before he howled in laughter. "Oh, the joys of not being the King. We can always have fun! Besides," he said poking him on the stomach, "I'm never too busy for you, little one."

Valavan gave him a toothy smile and hugged him hard. Even the Queen smiled, giving in. Ruffling his hair, Irungovel set him down. "Let's go relax on the pond!"


"Mmmmm... What's the smell?"

Irungovel barked out a laugh, startled. "Why, little one?"

"It's so... in-int-int-into..."

"Intoxicating? Who taught you such a big word?"

"Father. He called Mother's eyes that once."

"Oh my god! I need to have a talk with my brother on how to speak in front of kids!!"

"Do you, now?", drawled a voice behind them. "My son is snitching on me!"

They turned to find Ilamchetchenni behind them, an impish smile on his face. Valavan immediately ran to him, hurling himself on him. Laughing, he picked his son up, immediately giving him a look of mock hurt. Valavan's brows knitted with concern. "Here I come back to my chamber early and guess what? My son and brother have gone to have fun leaving me out! Imagine my surprise when I found only your Mother in the chamber!"

"Must have been quite a shock", muttered Irungovel. Ilamchetchenni shot him a dark look. "Who's talking bad things in front of him now?", he mouthed. Irungovel shrugged, winking. Valavan squirmed in his father's arms, impatient. "Let's goooo!!!"

Laughing, the trio reached the pond. Valavan inhaled deeply. "Chittapa, you still didn't tell me what the sweet fra- fra-"

"Fragrance? I bet your father taught you that too didn't he?" He glanced at Ilamchetchenni, who grinned. He shuddered. "I don't even want to know the context." Ilamchetchenni howled in laughter. Shaking his head, Irungovel scooped Valavan up his arms, much to his delight. "In answer to your question boy, it's the flowers in the pond. See those white flowers? They are called Alli."

Valavan inhaled deeply again, the soothing scent appealing to him. He cast a look at the glittering pond. It looked so inviting. "They are my favourite flowers from now on", he murmured. Both the men laughed at that. "Duly noted." 

One moment, Ilamchetchenni was standing next to them. The next instant, he had taken off his shawl and jumped. Water sprayed on Irungovel and Valavan, the latter squealing in joy. Irungovel shot his cousin a look before they jumped in too.

Splashing Valavan, who was seated on Irungovel playfully, Ilamchetchenni said, "You need to eat properly, you know?"

He pouted. Ilamchetchenni shot him a stern look. "How else will you be strong? Will the future King be all weak?"

Irungovel smiled at him stiffly. "Now, now. Why discuss the future now? Besides," he splashed some water on Valavan too, winking, "He will be a strong boy. He will be as strong as an elephant, just like how his Uncle is. Don't you worry about a thing."

Ilamchetchenni and Valavan both laughed hard at that. They swam for almost an hour, drowning in the pleasure of the cool water. When the sun was about to go down, Irungovel proclaimed that they leave. Dragging a reluctant Valavan from the pond with promises of future trips, they were about to leave when he asked, "Pa, what's sni-ching?"



Chittapa (Chith- ap-pa) : Father's younger brother - சித்தப்பா

Alli (A-ll-ee ; not like Ally):  Water lily - அல்லி


That was a relatively light chapter to stop the story from getting too dark and ominous :P



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