Chapter 4: The Birth

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Irungovel looked out of his chamber, awed. It was raining! Hearing footsteps, he turned. Mara entered and bowed. He looked at him expectantly. Mara gave him a wolfish smile and nodded. Smiling softly, he turned back, reaching out, relishing the feel of the cool droplets on his hand.

"Some would say," Irungovel observed, "that the skies are weeping for the soon-to-be deceased Royal couple, don't you think? Tut Tut Tut. How melancholic."

"They would surely think that my Lord," Mara said, chuckling.

"But, I think not," said Irungovel softly, flicking the drops away from his fingers. Mara's brows creased. He spun around, eyes gleaming. "I think it's more to do with the impending arrival of the new King. Rather auspicious, I would say, considering that we haven't seen any rains for a long time now. Wouldn't you Mara?"

Mara's face cleared in understanding. He grinned. "Indeed, my Lord."

Irungovel grinned back. "Well, the poison must have surely started working by now. Sha- "

He broke off mid-sentence when a commotion outside caught his attention. Maids and guards were rushing about. Loud voices were heard, demanding the listener to fetch something quickly. He looked at Mara who seemed equally puzzled. When two guards rushed past frantically, he nodded at Mara, He immediately went out to inquire what the fuss was about. As Irungovel waited impatiently, he returned after a few minutes, his face ashen. "The Queen's in labour."

"The Queen is in what?"

Mara looked at him, wide-eyed. "I-"

"Save it. Let's go to my brother's chamber."


Ilamchetchenni was still inside his chamber, watching his wife anxiously as the Vaidhyar made her lie down on the bed. When Irungovel entered the chamber, his eagle eye did not fail to take in the untouched plates of food. He shot Mara a pointed look. Mara looked down, refusing to meet his eyes. Irungovel shut his eyes in frustration. 

Later. He would deal with it later. 

Exhaling deeply, he composed his face. Walking forward, he clasped his brother's shoulder reassuringly. Ilamchetchenni, nearly a foot taller than him, reached behind, closing his hand over his'. He smiled gratefully.

The Vaidhyar approached them. "Men are not allowed inside this room, Your Majesty. Please leave."

"But I-"

Irungovel gripped his shoulder. "Anna, we are just going to have to wait outside. Come on."

Gently, he steered the reluctant King outside. The next few hours were a blend of the Queen's agonized wails, the King's impatient anguish mixed with a steady downpour accentuated by lightning and thunder.

And then the unmistakable sound of a baby's high-pitched cry was heard.

Ilamchetchenni looked at Irungovel, stunned. Sniggering, he winked at him. "That's right. Look stupefied. You are a father now! Congratulations!!"

Ilamchetchenni smacked him on his arm. After snickering some more, he suddenly sobered up. Offering a tired smile, he stretched. "Go inside and look at your child. I'll inform everyone and call the Royal Astrologer at once." 

Eyes flashing with gratitude once more, Ilamchetchenni nodded and went into his chamber.


She couldn't have been more beautiful.

She was nursing their baby, their son, propped up against the bed. Sweat plastered her hair to her exhausted face.


She looked up, smiling at him with tear-filled eyes. He rushed forward, bending down to kiss her forehead. Having fed the baby, she gently handed him over to Ilamchetchenni's awaiting hands. She shot him an expectant look. "Whom does he look like?"

Ilamchetchenni looked down in wonder. With dark curly hair framing his beautiful face, the baby squinted up curiously. Ilamchetchenni's heart melted. His son's hair was just like his own. Perfection.

Just when he thought that the baby couldn't be more lovely, he smiled. A lone dimple in full display.

Ilamchetchenni looked at her, shocked. She smirked some more. "Us", he whispered, amazed. "He looks like us."

She beamed. "Right answer."

At that moment, a guard entered to announce that the Royal Astrologer has arrived. Once she adjusted her clothes, Ilamchetchenni nodded, asking him to allow him in. The astrologer entered with a smile, followed by Irungovel.

"The Prince is born in an auspicious moment, Your Majesty", he declared, without preamble. "He will be extremely skillful and will grow up to be an unparalleled warrior. Didn't I say that he will be our Saviour? His mere arrival opened up the heavens, gracing us with the much-needed rain! The subsequent King is indeed blessed, Your Majesty."

Irungovel whipped his head up to look at him, hands clenched. Gritting his teeth, he willed himself to remain calm.

The Royal couple both smiled brightly. Upon receiving another bag of gold, the Astrologer left. After looking at the baby and congratulating them both, Irungovel left as well.


"I'm so sorry, my Lord. I should have ens-"

"Oh, forget it", snapped Irungovel. He wasn't in the mood to hear lame excuses. Not when he had let his golden opportunity slip through his fingers. Not when he should have been crowned King the next day.

"Maybe," began Mara, clearly not getting the hint, "we should try again my Lord. It would be succ-"

"The hell it would", hissed Irungovel. Mara looked chagrined. "Didn't you listen to the astrologer? The new King, our Saviour, has brought us the rain. He will be rejoiced by the whole kingdom tomorrow. Killing now is not an option. Not when it can bring more harm than good."

"So what do we do now then?"

"We wait."


"I still can't believe I can be this happy", said Ilamchetchenni gazing at their sleeping son. He sighed contentedly.

The Queen scowled playfully. They were both lying propped up on their back in the bed, facing the balcony, the baby sprawled between them. "Should I be jealous?"

He shot her a devious look. "Maybe".

She turned her head away in mock hurt, pouting. He laughed, turning her head to face him. "Come on! Don't be mad. I love the baby. But I'm in love with his mother though. Hopelessly, irrevocably in love."

She shot him a sideways look, earning an impish smile. She shook her head laughing. "You do realize that we can't keep calling him 'baby' right?"

"Right! Any bright ideas?"

"Well, the astrologer said that he will be a skillful person..."

Ilanchetchenni grinned. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Well if Thirumavalavan is what's on your mind, then yes, I'm."

"Thirumavalavan. One who is greatly skilled." He smiled. "Such a traditional, strong name for my strong boy. I approve."

She leaned forward, kissing their son's forehead lovingly. He shifted in his sleep. "Valava", she whispered in his ear softly. Ilamchetchenni took her hand in his, squeezing it softly.

They looked out of their balcony. The rain had finally stopped, the smell of the soil strong in the air. As they watched, a reddish hue began spreading over the horizon.

A new dawn was arising.



Thirumavalavan (Thiru - maa- vala- vann) : திருமாவளவன்



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