Chapter 68: Battle of Venni Part III

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Vikraman looked at Irungovel, shocked. "Me? The Senatipati of Urayur?"

Irungovel nodded. "Yes, you. Why do you think I kept Mara as the Senatipati knowing full well that he was worthless?" He shrugged. "I didn't have a lot of options then. You, though, are perfect. Puhar doesn't need you. Urayur does." He laughed. "I cannot believe that I didn't see that before." He turned his horse. "Find me once you are done."

Vikraman looked after his retreating form, shell-shocked. That didn't begin to encompass what Chezhiyan felt.

He'd wanted to ignore Vikraman to keep his sanity.

Now, he was supposed to fight him.

Chezhiyan shut his eyes briefly in pain. After what felt like an eternity, Vikraman turned to him with a grin that felt all too familiar yet alien at the same time. "Well, are you waiting for some auspicious moment to fight? Because I think that would be right about now." He struck.

Chezhiyan instinctively raised an arm to block the blow. "Vikrama, don't", he said, his voice hoarse.

"It is too late to plead now, Chezhiya. That ship has sailed long ago."

Chezhiyan shook his head. "He is only using you! Didn't you see how he treated Mara?"

Vikraman shrugged. "Mara deserved it. Besides, you were the one who gutted him. What was His Majesty supposed to do?"

He sighed. Vikraman huffed. "I didn't come to chitchat." He struck again at a different spot. Chezhiyan blocked that too, not making a single effort to attack.

"What is wrong with you?", he snarled. "Attack! I don't have time to dilly dally with you all day!"

Chezhiyan exploded. "Well, I'm probably not fighting you because I don't want to kill you!"

Vikraman grinned. "That cocky, huh?" He shrugged. "Look, if you don't want to fight me, there is still a way. Beg for Lord Irungovel's pardon and surrender. It is not too late. I'm not sure about our Dead Prince. But I can make him let you live at least."

That did it. Something inside Chezhiyan snapped. With a roar, he lunged. Vikraman laughed, blocking him easily. "Still delusional and wasting your time, I see", he remarked. "Well, that is not my problem. At least you decided to not waste mine."

Chezhiyan seemed to have lost the ability to think rationally. All the emotions he'd been keeping repressed ever since Vikraman's desertion erupted. His hand seemed to have a mind of its own, determined to take Vikraman's life.

He saw his arm moving forward swiftly, trying to disarm him first. Then, it took a dangerous turn, going for all the vital organs. He saw it going for his throat, his stomach, and finally, his heart.

Yet, he wasn't in control.

Gradually, Vikraman's laughs and smiles vanished. Sweat dripped down his forehead as he tried to block Chezhiyan's increasingly aggressive movements. He had given up attacking a long time ago, solely focusing on trying not to shed any more blood.

Chezhiyan's sword itched to deliver one final, fatal blow.

It happened.

Chezhiyan pretended to disarm him once again. Relieved, Vikraman relaxed for a moment, preparing to land a strike. Before he could, Chezhiyan had his sword buried just below his chest.

Vikraman gasped. The moment he did, Chezhiyan came to. Horror washed over him as he realized what he'd done. His hand let go of his sword.

He'd killed his own friend.

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