Chapter 12: Indra Vizha Part 5

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"It is customary to end Indra Vizha with a holy dip in the river along with the members of our families. We only have that left, don't we?", asked Ilamchetchenni. "All other rituals have been completed. Even all the clothes and food to be given away to our people have been distributed."

Irungovel nodded. He looked as if he was pre-occupied with the stuffed heads of the animals hanging on the wall. Ilamchetchenni looked at the heads of the buffaloes, tigers and lions as well and turned to him, amused. "Admiring our conquests?"

Irungovel seemingly came out of his trance. "How long has it been since our last hunt?"

Ilamchetchenni thought back. He couldn't remember. Irungovel laughed. "Exactly."

Ilamchetchenni looked at him thoughtfully. "What do you propose? A hunt? Now?"

Irungovel shrugged. "Why not? With all the royalty from the surrounding areas assembled here, the hunt will be even more exciting. The game hunted will be much more prized with all the competition! What better way to spend a sunny morning?"

Ilamchetchenni laughed. "You really had this all planned out, didn't you?"

Irungovel gave him a saccharine smile. "Oh, you have no idea."

Ilamchetchenni laughed some more. "Alright then. It's settled." He motioned to the door. "Lead the way, Senatipati."


"I've caught my fair share of game already. Since I have some urgent issues to be tended to immediately, I think I'll take your leave now, Your Majesty", said the Nangurvel, a little hesitant.

Ilamchetchenni gave him a warm smile. "Of course. It was a great pleasure to have had you with us. Have a safe journey."

The Nangurvel smiled back. "I'll accompany him", piped in Irumpitar Thalayar. "I have to leave shortly as well and would like to bid farewell to my sister." Ilamchetchenni nodded.

"You people are no fun! Why won't you stay to finish the hunt!", exclaimed Irungovel. Irumpitar Thalayar gave him a tight smile. He had always despised that man for some reason. Something about him didn't seem right. "Duty calls. We can always have another hunt."

Thus bidding them farewell, the duo departed. The rest of the party hunted some more, well into the afternoon. Suddenly, Irungovel pointed straight ahead and yelled, "Did you see the deer there? It just sprinted off!!" Everyone craned their necks. One of them said, "No we didn't, sir. You must have been imagining stuff." Irungovel looked indignant. "I know what I saw." He winked at Ilamchetchenni. "Want to race me?" The others became apprehensive. "We have already come past the middle of the forest. It doesn't seem safe", they advised. Irungovel scoffed. "We know what we are doing. If you don't want to join us, feel free to return to the palace. We'll come soon."

Having said that, he sprinted off in his horse, smiling when he heard one horse alone behind him.


"Are you certain you saw a deer?", asked Ilamchetchenni from up front, having overtaken Irungovel. Irungovel didn't reply. Maybe he had imagined it after all?

Ilamchetchenni grew irritated. "I asked you a question! Can't you hear me?", he yelled, looking behind him.

Irungovel had disappeared.


Valavan's eyes burned. The yagna held after the abhishekam to please the Gods had left a copious amount of smoke, the effects of which still lingering in the air long after the rituals were over. As soon as he saw his father and others leaving for the hunt, muttering that he will be back soon to Ilanchezhiyan, he quickly left for the pond.

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