BONUS: Boredom And Philosophical Lessons

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Woo hoo here it is! It's been a while... Let's hope you've not forgotten Valavan or Chezhiyan just as yet :P

Karikalan is now fully edited with added stuff :) I've changed Ilamchetchenni's, ahem, THAT scene. The last part of the final chapter is also changed because the previous end didn't sit well with me, so you might want to check on that too!

I know, I know, I keep editing :') But, I guess this is it SQUEEEEE!!!


Years later

"Nothing at all?"

Chembian smiled. "Nothing at all, Your Majesty. Yes, we have indeed managed to double our profits. Without hurting agriculture."

Valavan looked around, wide-eyed. "Come now, there must be something." He gave the others an encouraging look. "Health, education, anything? You can tell me. You know I don't bite."

A collective round of chuckles were heard. Valavan merely shook his head in exasperation.

This was how life was now- unproblematic.

Or, in other words, dull. Boring. Unremarkable.

He heaved a sigh as he heard Alli chuckle beside him. A guard entered and bowed. Valavan gave him a disinterested look. "What is it?"

"The Senatipati has arrived, Lord."

Valavan brightened. Finally!

Ilanchezhiyan entered, still dressed in his full gear. He bowed. When he straightened, his face was decorated with a broad smile. "I come bearing good news, Your Majesty."

Valavan's heart soared. "Did they accept then, Senatipati?"

Chezhiyan grinned. "They did something even better. The Kings of Vajra have acquiesced. Henceforth, they would remain as allies of the Cholas."

His ministers cheered. Valavan bit back a groan.

Not this again!

He smiled even when he didn't feel like it. "Alright then. If there is nothing else, the Court may take its leave."

Everyone stood as one, nodded, and exited. Valavan slouched down on the throne, all pretenses for the Court gone. "Chezhiya? I think I might hate life right now."

Chezhiyan shot him an alarmed look. "What happened?"

Alli sniggered. "After all these years, it's a mystery why you still fall for his dramatic antics."

Valavan glared at her. "It's not like that. I think I really do this time."

Alli quirked a brow at him. "Is that so? Can you confirm whether you feel so because another big kingdom has decided to avoid facing the wrath of 'The Karikalan' and instead chose the safer option available?" She rolled her eyes. "It's boo-hoo-why-do-I-have-to-be-so-terrifying all over again, isn't it?"

Chezhiyan laughed. Valavan rolled his eyes. "Don't put it like that. I mean, I've said that before, yes, but this time it's different", he insisted. "I'm telling you, I really hate life right now!"

"Pray tell, how is it any different?"

"Because it's the third time in a row now!", he cried out. "First there was Avanti, then Magadha, and now this." He shook his head. "It's like kingdoms happen to be so rich, they would rather pay me than fight me!" He shook his head. "Disgusting."

Alli laughed. "If anyone here is rich, darling, it's you." She shot him a playful look. "Those who live in glass h-, palaces, shouldn't throw stones, you know?"

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