Chapter 67: Battle of Venni Part II

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Irungovel's serpent formation twisted as practiced, expertly weaving towards their eagle.

The formation was impeccable. The soldiers were all alert now, the rush of the war having cleared their heads. They moved in perfect synchrony, not a soldier out of place.

The eagle didn't deter either, moving on at a steady pace, wings flapping to swoop in. Chezhiyan raised an arm and let out a cry. Instantly, a volley of arrows was fired forth. 

"SHIELDS!!", screamed Mara. Everyone raised their shields. The first wave of their arrows was easily intercepted. Chezhiyan cried out again. Arrows lit with fire were instantly shot forth next.

The soldiers of Irungovel's army were not so lucky this time. Some of them collapsed down. Ilanchezhiyan smiled with satisfaction.

It wasn't a huge dent to the serpent formation, though.

Irungovel gritted his teeth and ordered them to double their pace, annoyed. Faster and faster slithered their serpent, eager to swallow the enemy whole.

When it finally met the eagle, the attack was not head-on. Instead, it penetrated into the Garuda Vyuham, breaking the formation. 

Chezhiyan had anticipated that and had instructed his soldiers beforehand to give them easy access in. It was his ploy to lull them with a false sense of security only to have them all split to directly reach the main heads.

As expected, unsuspecting Irungovel plowed on, confident that the victory was his. When the serpent had embedded itself into the enemy, Irungovel grinned.

The sound of war was deafening.

Swords met swords. Arrows met arrows. Horses neighed. Elephants trumpeted.

It was mayhem.

It was cacophony.

But to Irungovel's ears, it was music.

Being at the front, he had made his way well into the formation. Seated firmly on his horse, again and again his sword swung, bathing the ground with blood.

He was ecstatic.


Chezhiyan killed whatever dared to obstruct his path, determined to make a beeline for either Cheran or Irungovel.

They were nowhere to be seen.

As he searched, his eyes fell on the Prince. He gasped.

Valavan was riding his horse, a sword in each hand.

He swung them both with flawless harmony, slicing through necks as though they were made of butter. When Chezhiyan looked down, he saw a trail of bodies on either side of him, heads severed.

Everyone who was within the distance of his sword unconsciously gave him a wide berth, petrified. Valavan twirled his swords, laughing maniacally at them. "That's right!", he yelled out. "You are not my concern. Don't make yourself one unnecessarily. Move."

Chezhiyan smiled, not pausing in his firing of arrows.

Oh, the Prince was on a demolishing spree alright.

Feeling much better, he mentally reminded himself to ask someone to bring Kali from her hiding spot once the war had turned a little more bloody.

She was their surprise attack.

He then turned around to see if he could lay his eyes on anyone from his list. Finally seeing one, he grinned. Turning his horse, he made his way towards him.

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