Chapter 50: Puhar

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Holy hell!!! We are in the fiftieth chapter!!

*pinches Ilanchezhiyan and hears him yelp*

Yep, it's real!


It was only a little past afternoon when they had reached Puhar. It was, after all, relatively closer to Nangur.

As soon as they went in, Ilanchezhiyan had them ushered into separate chambers. After freshening up and resting for a good half of the day, they gathered for dinner.

What Puhar had wasn't a Palace. It was merely a huge Mansion filled with plenty of chambers. High-ranking officials and occasional royalty took accommodation there. With tall majestic pillars and vast chambers, it was almost as big as the Urayur Palace, bigger than both the Azhundur and Nangur Palaces. Situated near the banks of River Kaveri, the view out of it was breathtaking.

The Mansion had two levels. The chambers on the lower level were occupied by the officials. They could either choose to live there or merely use it as a working area. Ilanchezhiyan, being the Commander, could choose any chamber there.

He had chosen one on the upper level with the best view of the glittering river.

Everyone reached downstairs for dinner. As it was not a Palace, there was no throne room built in the center. It was merely left as an open passage. Chezhiyan guided them further into the Mansion through it to reveal the dining area.

Having washed their hands, they had just sat down when someone entered.

It was a boy, not much older than Valavan by the looks of it. Not expecting to see them all there, he was caught off guard. Feeling flustered, he immediately bowed.

Ilanchezhiyan rose up. He turned to address the rest of them. "This is Uttaman. He is one of our Lieutenants." Pride shone in his eyes. "One of our best." Everyone nodded at him with a smile. He turned back to Uttaman. "Is anything urgent?"

Uttaman hesitated. "Actually, it is not, My Lord. I only wanted to give you some reports. It can wait." He smiled. "Please finish your dinner. I'll show them to you a while later. My apologies for intruding." Chezhiyan nodded at him. Bowing once again, Uttaman left.

As Ilanchezhiyan sat back down, Valavan, who was next to him, nudged him. "You seem very busy, My Lord", he teased, sniggering.

Chezhiyan groaned. "I'd trained him myself", he mumbled. "He is a little too respectful towards me." He sighed. "Even when I had specifically told him that it was unnecessary."

Valavan looked at him, making his eyes widen. "Why, I could never!"

Ilanchezhiyan bit his lip, turning to look at Valavan. Valavan shot him a pointed look back. After a beat, both of them burst out laughing. Vikraman sighed. "I missed this!", he said wistfully.

"Missed what?", asked Valavan, taking a morsel of the food served.

"My Dead Prince being here with everyone, laughing! Took him long enough to rise from the dead."

Everyone laughed. Valavan sighed. "How long have you been waiting to say that?"

"Ever since the time I had left", he admitted. He shot Chezhiyan an accusatory look. "Our Commander always had some work for us and couldn't take us to Azhundur!"

The Nangurvel cleared his throat. Everyone turned to look at him. Ilanchezhiyan was grateful for the distraction. The Nangurvel smiled. "Not to ruin the mood, but I heard from the Prince that you had something important to discuss regarding the war?"

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