Chapter 16: The Lantern

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Mara instantly moved forward, intent on catching the running Prince. Irungovel extended his arm, blocking his path. Mara turned his questioning eyes towards him. Irungovel shook his head. "Let him leave. I never intended to kill him anyway. He's just a harmless young boy. He wouldn't be a threat."

Mara looked at him, incredulous. "But, My Lord, what are you talking about! What if he tells on us?"

Irungovel smiled. "He is too hurt right now to do anything of that sort." His eyes looked rueful. "Let him be. He just lost both his father and mother. That must hurt. Knowing that you can't become King would be painful as well. I would know that."

Mara still looked apprehensive. "But, where do you think he's going? I don't have a good feeling about this."

Irungovel shook his head. "I know that boy. My guess? He wouldn't plan on coming back." He stroked his chin, eyes thoughtful. "Maybe he would go to that Irumpitar Thalayar." Mara looked alarmed. Irungovel laughed. "I wouldn't be that concerned. He's just a Velir King. If he wants to wage war, then he is welcome to do so. Our army will crush him." He smiled. "Perhaps I should work on an alliance with the other Velirs." He nodded to himself. "Yes, that would be for the best." Upon hearing frantic footsteps for the umpteenth time that day again, he sighed. He cast his eyes towards the chamber. The fire had died down, leaving behind abundant smoke in its wake. Irungovel crinkled his nose.

"Time to retrieve the charred bodies."


Alli grabbed a lantern, rushing out of her chamber in the guest wing. They had just returned, tears streaming down their face as the fire had died down and they could do nothing to save the King and the Queen. Their father had ordered them back to their chamber, his tone gentle, yet firm.

Poovazhagi grabbed her arm, eyes fearful. "Where are you going now?"

Alli freed her arm, wiping her eyes with the back of her palm. "I need to go check on the Prince."

Poovazhagi's eyes widened. "Are you out of your mind? He just lost his parents! What could you possibly do?"

Alli turned to her, eyes blazing. "I just can't let him be! He cannot be alone now. I need to see how he is faring. If not for him, then for myself."

Poovazhagi bit her lip. "Are you sure? You barely know him. Besides, he has Commander Ilanchezhiyan."

Alli shook her head. "Didn't you hear me? I need to go make sure he is alright. I just have to." 

Poovazhagi gave her a long look. She finally nodded. "At least let me come with you."

Alli shook her head. "No. I need to do this alone."


Valavan ran out blindly. 

His eyes burned.

His lungs burned. 

Yet, he ran. 

He ran past a grief-stricken Ilanchezhiyan. Anguished, Ilanchezhiyan tried to reach for him. Valavan barely shot him a look, running past him.

Ilanchezhiyan didn't follow, letting his hand fall down limply, his head bowed.

As he ran, his legs tripped over something. He fell face-first, on the ground. A jagged rock cut his lip, instantly drawing blood.

As the metallic taste of blood hit his mouth, Valavan came out of his shock. The blank state of mind the adrenaline rush provided vanished. 

Images instantly hit his mind.

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