Chapter 28: Riding into the Night

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"What? NO!!", cried out Alli, aghast. 

Ilanchezhiyan looked equally appalled. "Are you saying that he is never going to be able to use his legs again?", he whispered, his voice broken.

The Vaidhyar shook her head. "That is not what I meant. In a month or two, he will be back on his feet. However", she took a deep breath, "his legs are permanently blackened."

Everyone remained silent for a beat, digesting the information. Poovazhagi swallowed. "That's... a good thing, right? I mean, he successfully made out of the fire! He's alive!!"

There was a collective round of nodding. The Vaidhyar made quick work of packing her things. Bending over the table, she shoved everything into her bag rapidly. She then raised her head to look at them. "I've applied a balm on his legs. It will keep the pain at bay. However, it is only temporary." She pointed towards a small bowl consisting of a greenish-brown paste. "He will regain consciousness any time soon. Keep applying the balm and don't forget to cover his legs back with the plantain leaves as I have."

They nodded again. She straightened. "I better leave before someone notices my absence. Just keep him safe. He will be alright in no time at all." With a final incline of her head, she departed.

A beat of silence ensued. Vikraman broke it. "How safe is this place?"

Alli shrugged. "I would say that this place is pretty safe because we've been here for days without rousing any kind of suspicion."

"But, you are not from Urayur", Chezhiyan pointed out. "No offense, but I highly doubt that anyone would remember you from the handful of times you have visited." He nodded at their attire. "Your plain clothes not-withstanding."

Alli folded her arms across her chest, pursing her lips. "Then, this place might not be as safe as I had originally assumed it to be. That would mean that we have to shift the Prince elsewhere as soon as possible. Somewhere extremely safe."

Before Chezhiyan could reply, Vikraman cut in. He donned a wide smile on his face. "Oh, don't worry!", he said, winking at Poovazhagi. She blinked, flustered. "I don't care how much the Prince weighs. Name the place and I'll even carry him if need be." He flexed his arms a little.

Parthiban, who was standing beside him silently all this while, smacked him hard on his arm. "Ow!", cried out Vikraman, scowling. He rubbed the aching spot. "That hurts! What was that for?"

Parthiban glared at him. "Name the place", he said in a bad imitation of Vikraman's voice. "That is precisely what we are discussing, stupid! No one asked you whether you can carry him or not. What do you think the chariot is for?" Vikraman scowled again and looked away.

Chezhiyan shook his head and exhaled. From the bed, Valavan groaned. Everyone froze and stared at him, holding their breaths. His eyes fluttered for a moment before he went back to remaining still. They all let out a relieved sigh.

This time, it was Poovazhagi who broke the silence. "Why are we all getting anxious when we have the perfect place sitting right in front of us?", she exclaimed. Everyone stared at her. She huffed and spread her hands. "We have Nangur!"

"That's an amazing idea!", shrieked Vikraman. Everyone immediately shushed him. He ignored them. "Let's go!"

"No", said Ilanchezhiyan, exasperated. "We cannot stay there."

Both the girls' faces fell. "Why not?", asked Vikraman, puzzled. Ilanchezhiyan shot him an irritated look. "Vikrama, we cannot let the Prince stay there because he needs to be in a place where we can have easy access to him."

Poovazhagi raised a brow. "I'm sure the Nangurvel will not mind just in case you need to visit often. Besides, Nangur is not that far from Puhar when you think about it." 

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