Chapter 62: The Deception

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Five months later

Valavan looked around cautiously. No one seemed to be around. His breathing eased a little.

After all, what had he expected in the middle of the night?

He walked ahead softly, careful not to rouse anyone. If his Mama knew, there will be no end to his teasing. As it was, it was becoming unbearable.

"Good morning, Alli! Or, should I say, the 'Bride of Urayur'?"

"Well, I'm going to make myself invited to the wedding, Valava. You might just forget to inform me like how you did for your engagement!"

Valavan shook his head. No more ammunition for him.

Reaching Alli's chamber, he paused, bending to take a close look at the guards who were outside. He waved a hand in front of their faces. Both their heads were slumped over their staffs, snoring.

Holding his breath, he opened the doors of the chamber quietly. He'd chosen his time well. The doors had been recently oiled, not making a creak as they swung open. He peeped in. Alli was fast asleep, curled into herself.

He walked over to her side and took a moment to admire how the moonlight washed over her face, illuminating her beauty. Then he bent down, gently shaking her. "Alli, wake up", he whispered.

She didn't respond.

Sighing, he shook her a little harder. "Alli!"

She rolled over to the other side. "Leave me alone", she muttered.

Getting an idea, he made his voice raspy. "I'm here to kidnap you, young girl. I'm giving you one chance to wake up and save yourself. Are you going to wake up now?"

"Mmhmm", she mumbled into her pillow. 

He shook his head. She didn't even appear to have heard him! "Suit yourself."

He placed a palm over her mouth, continuing his act. He made sure that his movement was very gentle though, so as to not suffocate her. Still, there was no response. Huffing, he applied a little more pressure. 

That caught her attention.

Her eyes flew open. Valavan felt her lips part as though to scream and fully clamped his palm over her mouth. "Shh!", he warned. "It's only me. Don't scream!" His Mama's taunting face flashed across his face once, making him panic. "If you scream, I swear to God-" 

He trailed off, not finishing the sentence. He stared at her, assessing her face carefully. When her eyes seemed lucid enough, he took away his palm.

"Or else what?"

He scrunched his eyebrows. "Huh?"

She raised herself on her elbows. "What you just said sounded a lot like a threat to me. What would you have done had I screamed?"

Valavan made his raspy once more. "I'd have made you regret it, little girl. I'd have silenced you."

Alli rolled her eyes. "What 'silenced you'? What will you do if I scream? Kill me?"

Valavan scoffed. "Please! I'd been more creative than that. I might have probably kissed you to shut you up."

Alli stared at him for a long moment. Then she opened her mouth to scream. Alarmed, Valavan pressed his palm against her mouth once again. "Alli, what are you doing?!", he hissed. "Are you out of your mind? Do you want me to get caught?"

She smirked, prying his hands away. "Merely checking if the future King of Urayur keeps his promises." She looked him over, scrunching her nose deliberately. "Apparently not."

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