Chapter 21: True Colours

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Irungovel admired himself in the mirror. The next morning has arisen with him still being the King of Urayur.

It was not a dream after all.

He grinned into the mirror. His dusky skin complimented well with the blue silk shawl he wore that day, paired with the custom white dhoti. His shaved head failed to attract the attention his Crown did. With calculative black eyes, a sharp jawline, and a tall profile, he looked every inch the King. He smiled to himself.

When my hair grows back to its former glory, I shall look even better.

His mind involuntarily recalled how his wavy hair used to look. He let out a wistful sigh before a thought made his whole face brighten.

It will go well with the Crown.

He shook his head. Since when was he so obsessed with his looks? A guard entered, jerking him out of his reverie. He announced the arrival of Mara. Mara came in smiling and bowed.

Irungovel grinned at him. "How does it feel to be a Senatipati, Senatipati?"

Mara pursed his lips. "Weird."

Irungovel tipped back his head and laughed. He leaned against the window. "I can relate to that, boy." He winked. "Although my reason for feeling so must be far different from yours, I presume."

Mara looked alarmed. "My Lord I-"

Irungovel shushed him, chuckling. "I know, boy. You do not need to justify yourself. Although I would love to know why you are feeling weird."

Mara shrugged. "It was most unexpected, Lord. Never in a million years had I imagined that I would become the Commander-in-chief of Urayur! Everyone assumed that it would be Ilanchezhiyan who would take up that position."

Irungovel quirked a brow. "Unexpected?" He shook his head. "Boy, I expected better than that from you! Here, I had imagined that you had finally begun to think like me!"

Mara tried not to look baffled. He failed. Irungovel shook his head. "Mara, Mara, Mara! Why on earth would I keep someone who hates me as my Senatipati?"


"Right. Oh. " He winked. "I learn from mistakes. If not mine, then from others'. Ilamchetchenni should never have made me the Senatipati."

Mara chuckled. "I'm sure he didn't know what he was getting himself into."

Irungovel chuckled as well. "No, he didn't."

Suddenly, Mara bowed. "I will not fail you, Your Majesty. When war comes, I'll lead the armies of Urayur and make her proud."

Irungovel let his eyes run over Mara's lanky, wiry frame and imagined what he must look like in battle gear. He stifled a laugh. Yeah, right. He might have to not let go of his old job as well. He knew what he was getting into though. He had merely placed Mara in that position because he knew that he wouldn't kill him like how he himself had killed his brother. He wasn't in a position to complain.

"I'm sure you will, boy." He frowned. "I think I might have to stop calling you boy. You are the Senatipati of Urayur now after all."

Mara inclined his head. "You may call me whatever you wish, My L- Your Majesty." Irungovel chuckled and looked outside his window. He saw a crowd gathered not far from the Palace. Mara noticed it as well and looked at him, a devilish grin in place. "Is it-?"

Irungovel grinned back. "I should hope so. Let's go take a look."


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