Chapter 55: The Strategies

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Vikraman got out of their chariot, a shawl tied tightly around his face. Similarly dressed, Uttaman got out behind him. They scanned around. Standing near the Urayur border, they could see no one waiting for them in plain sight.

Vikraman frowned. "Are you sure that this is the spot they had asked you to meet them in?"

Uttaman shook his head. "I don't know, Lord. The message simply asked me to meet them in Urayur. Vague, yes. They could be anywhere here."

Vikraman pursed his lips. "What do we do then? Searching all spots in and around Urayur is going to consume a lot of time."

Uttaman scratched above his eyebrow. "Well, let us split and search, then. That way, we would do it much faster."

Vikraman's eyes widened. "Chezhiyan will not be pleased by it, Uttama. I don't think it is a good idea."

Uttaman smiled. "Don't worry, Lord. I'm a Lieutenant too. I think I can manage on my own just fine." Vikraman opened his mouth to protest. He beat him to it. "Lord, whoever this person is sent a message only to me. Maybe they want my private audience? Even if that is not the case, for they didn't mention my name explicitly anywhere, I think it would be for the best if we search separately. Perhaps they had wanted to be discreet."

Vikraman sighed. "If that is what you wish, then alright. Let's split and meet back in this spot at noon."


Mara entered the throne room and bowed low. The man beside him did the same. Mara gestured to him. "Our spy, My Lord."

He flinched at the term used. Irungovel stepped down his throne and patted him. "If that is not what you wish to be called, you wouldn't be called that, kid. Consider it only as a... help to the King of Urayur." Irungovel grinned, carefully phrasing his next line. "You know me. I never forget a name."

He exhaled, not missing the subtle threat underlying in his words. "I know, Lord. But, that doesn't change the fact that I'm to betray those around me." His eyes were troubled. "Commander Ilanchezhiyan trusts me a lot. He considers me to be one of his...his friends."

Irungovel suppressed a smirk. That is exactly what I want.

Outwards, he tsked. "But, is his friendship something worthwhile?", he asked, his voice silky. "Does that benefit you? That is the real question you must consider. Think of what I can do for you. Becoming Commander of Puhar is what you had always wanted, hadn't you?" The spy nodded mutely. "Forget friendship", Irungovel whispered, circling him. "These are times of war. You need to look for what is advantageous to you."

He didn't reply. Irungovel stopped before him, his eyes full of promise. "Are you going to give up on your dreams for someone who is clearly working for a lost cause?", he asked softly. "Everyone knows that that Karikala Cholan is nothing but naive to wage a war on me when I even have the Cheras and the Pandyas on my side!"

His eyes widened. "The Cheras and the Pandyas are with you?"

Irungovel nodded gravely. "They are, as a matter of fact, coming to see me shortly to discuss war plans as per their letter I recently received." The spy gaped, still wide-eyed. "You see what is at stake, don't you? That Karikalan is a nobody. He is going to do nothing but destroy himself and those who surround him." Irungovel assessed his face. It was suddenly determined.

Oh, he had him now.

"So, what is it going to be?", Irungovel breathed. "Are you going to die for friendship stupidly like Ilanchezhiyan is going to or are you going to be smart and side with me to take his position once he does die?" Irungovel shrugged lightly. "It is yours to take if you wish. Someone has to, and I have no doubt that you are more than capable for the job."

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