Chapter 45: Arali

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Valavan was hungry.

No, he was, in fact, ravenous.

He paced his chamber. Not having gone to breakfast was a foolish idea, a fact that his stomach was screaming obscenities at him for.

The added combination of him waking up earlier than usual that day with him training longer than usual as well didn't help matters. Sheer pride after stating that he didn't want any breakfast alone had kept him seated in his chamber in agony. He had secretly been hoping that Alli's mother would intervene and save him all the trouble.

She hadn't.

He couldn't blame her though. As strict as she was with everyone in the household mandatorily not skipping a meal, she had probably wanted to give him space considering what a number Irungovel did on him. He knew she wouldn't let him skip lunch though.

The problem was, he wouldn't be able to wait that long.

Making up his mind, he walked towards the doors of his chamber and peered out. The guards who stood there looked at him, surprised. He pressed a finger on his lips warningly and slowly made his way towards the kitchen, looking behind him every few seconds.

By the looks of it, breakfast must have been wrapped up a considerable time ago. Valavan fervently hoped that no one was lingering around that area. As each step took him closer to his goal, he felt his steps quicken in anticipation, not bothering to check behind him as frequently anymore. As his eyes caught sight of how the kitchen doors were lying open invitingly, he dove inside.

About ten heads whipped towards him, paused in various stages of eating. Some had food in their mouth. Some had just been about to take a morsel in their hand. A few others had been about to take their filled hand to their mouth. Everyone froze in shock and stared at him.

It was the cooks.

One of the older men made quick work of swallowing and stood up. They were all about to rise when Valavan waved them off, horrified.

"Please remain seated! Finish your food. I was just..." He trailed off awkwardly.

They sat back down, unsure of what to do. Valavan decided to return to his chamber. Right at that instant, his stomach rumbled threateningly.


He shut his eyes in mortification. "Prince, are you hungry?", one of them asked tentatively. Not finding a reason to lie, he opened his eyes slowly and nodded.

He saw them look at him, petrified. Confused, he was about to ask them when another woman spoke up. "I'm afraid there is nothing left for you to eat, Prince." She bit her lip. "There was only some food leftover from breakfast and we had shared it." Valavan's face fell. She made a movement to rise. "Let me fix something for you quickly though."

Valavan shook his head, stopping her. "Please don't. I don't want you to not finish eating because I did something stupid." His stomach growled menacingly again and he winced. His eyes fell on the pot from which they were eating and they brightened. "If you don't mind, can I have some of that?"

"No!", they cried out in unison, shocked. 

Valavan sighed and nodded. "Ah! I understand. There will only be enough for you. I think I'll-"

"It's not that!", one of them reassured him quickly. "It is just that you can't eat it."

Valavan raised a brow. "Why not?" He surveyed them. "As far as I see, it's food and it's clearly not poisoned!"

They gulped. "This food doesn't befit you, Prince."

He grinned, sitting down beside them. "That's not a no!"

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