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One week later

Valavan tossed and turned in his bed.

He was there before Kaveri, his Kallanai already built. It stood there tall, fulfilling his wish of eradicating the shortage of water from his Empire.

Suddenly, the image dissolved to show Chezhiyan in Puhar.

"But of course, you would need manpower. Loads of it. I don't think even an army would suffice."

Loads of it.

I don't think even an army would suffice.

Valavan jerked upright on his bed.

That's it!

Alli, who was sleeping peacefully beside him, groaned. She rolled over, throwing one arm over him before falling back asleep. He chuckled, gently placing her hand down.

Disturbed, she slowly blinked her eyes open. "What are you doing awake at this hour?", she mumbled.

He jumped out of the bed. "I have to do something. I'll be right back!"

Alli looked at him sleepily. "What? Now?"

He nodded. Placing a quick kiss on her forehead, he hurried towards the dungeon, not waiting to hear her response.

He went down the familiar path, soon reaching the cells. Hearing footsteps, the men imprisoned there all peeped outside.

Valavan grinned at them. They looked at him, shocked. Some even looked at him warily.

He gave them a  sympathetic look. "Can't sleep, huh? I can imagine."

Seeing their confused looks, he explained. "I was there too, not long ago." He pointed to his legs. Their eyes cleared in understanding. He shot them another look filled with pity. "I personally know for a fact that the cockroaches and cobwebs there will not make for a good company. If my memory serves right, the stench cannot be tolerable either."

They stared at him, unsure how to respond. He raised his voice so that every single person could hear him all the way down. It echoed.

"Let me come to the point. Why am I here at this hour? Because I have a proposition for you. You know I can't let you get away just like that. I have to have you imprisoned. But... What if I were to say that you could work for me?"

That caught their attention. "Work?"

"Yes, work. Labour, actually."

They looked at him expectantly. "What kind of labour, Your Majesty?"

"All in good time. I can arrange for better accommodation and three meals a day, if you accept, that is. What do you say?"

They all exchanged looks.


Valavan returned to his chamber, a broad grin decorating his lips. Alli was propped up on their bed, looking at him anxiously. Valavan was surprised. "You are still awake?"

"Of course I am. What happened? What's wrong?"

Valavan sat down on their bed and looked at her, excited. "Oh, nothing is wrong. In fact, things have never been better! My dream is going to come true!!"

Alli sighed. "Stop with the dramatics and tell me already!"

"You'll never believe this..."


The End...?

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