Chapter 19: A Web of Lies

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"What do you mean by saying that the coronation can't take place today?"

To say that Irungovel was annoyed was an understatement. His hands went to pull his hair as when he was frustrated, only to find that he had none. This did nothing to lessen his frustration. He let his hands drop to his sides irritably.

They were present in Irungovel's chamber, the other guests having been long gone by the afternoon. Twilight had already set in. The Priest, who had overseen the funeral ceremonies, cleared his throat delicately.

"As you can see, My Lord, the sun is about to set. Besides, the funeral got over just today. You need to give the people some time to recover."

Although a part of Irungovel understood what the Priest was saying was true, his lust-ridden mind argued otherwise. "I need to give the people time to recover? What are you talking about! Urayur needs a King and the only one left for the job is me!"

The Priest exhaled. "Be that as it may,  Lord, you need to understand that you are not the one who is next in line." He cast his eyes down and cleared his throat again. "If it were the Prince who took the-"

Irungovel raised his hand, signaling the Priest to cease talking. The Priest immediately fell silent. Irungovel gritted his teeth. "How long am I supposed to wait?"

The Priest considered. "I would suggest that you would let it rest for a week. Or, better yet, wait till the rituals to be done on the sixteenth day to be over before you make your move."

Irungovel stared at him, not speaking anything. The Priest grew uncomfortable. After a long minute, Irungovel announced abruptly, "You may leave."

The Priest blinked, startled. Nevertheless, feeling relieved, he left immediately after bowing.

Mara, who was standing beside Irungovel, silently witnessing the scene, straightened. "What do you propose to do, My Lord?"

Irungovel made himself comfortable on his bed. He leaned back against the headboard, placing a pillow behind his back. He stretched his legs languorously. "Make arrangements for the coronation to happen tomorrow morning, Mara."

Mara's eyes widened. "But the Priest-"

"- is a fool. He is a fool to think that I would wait that long to take the Crown. I've waited too long for it already. Not anymore."

Mara still looked apprehensive. "But he has a point, My Lord." He gulped. "The people love, no, loved, Ilamchetchenni very much. As you yourself pointed out earlier, you didn't want a war because you wanted the people to accept you. Doesn't this defeat the purpose?"

Irungovel laughed. "My, my, Mara. Your questions are getting better! Thinking like me, aren't we?" He laughed some more. "Alas, your habit of being hasty has not yet left you. You never let me finish, boy!"

Mara waited. Irungovel continued. "What you said is true. I do need to the people. But that's where you are mistaken. I only need the people to comply, not accept."

Mara frowned. Irungovel chuckled. "What I mean to say is that I need the people to not cause any riots and make it messy. All I want to do is to make them believe that I'm still the aggrieved brother who has no choice but to accept the "burden". Once I became the King, I wouldn't need them, would I?" He smiled lazily. "The King needs no one."

Mara nodded slowly. "What will you do to convince them though, My Lord?"

Irungovel wiggled his eyebrows. "What else, boy? Give a mind-blowing speech!"

Mara laughed. "Well, I know for sure that you would excel in that, My Lord. It's your forte." Irungovel laughed again. Mara continued. "When are you going to do that, My Lord?"

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