Chapter 8: Indra Vizha Part 1

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Four years later


Valavan looked up abruptly. In that fraction of a second, he almost missed blocking the blow Ilanchezhiyan's sword delivered. Almost.

In the blink of an eye, he raised his arm, effortlessly fending off the hit.

Ilanchezhiyan gave him an admonishing look. "Concentrate when you are dueling, Prince. One small mistake will cost you your life!!"

"Will it, now?", drawled Valavan, a lazy smile on his face. He wiped the sweat off his brow languorously. Ilanchezhiyan found himself growing angry.

"What else do you think will happen? See what I just did there? I can easily strike you when you are distr-"

Ilanchezhiyan never finished his sentence. Quick as lightning, he struck, knocking off Ilanchezhiyan's sword in a single blow, not giving him a moment to parry. Ilanchezhiyan looked stunned.

"Like that?" Valavan asked grinning, throwing him a wink."Tsk tsk tsk. Concentrate, Chezhiya. You shouldn't get distracted while dueling!!"

Behind him, he heard a laugh. He turned to find Irungovel doubled over with laughter. His father was beside him, stern-faced. Ilanchezhiyan immediately bowed.

Ilamchetchenni smiled at Chezhiyan before he turned and frowned at Valavan. Valavan stifled a sigh. What did he do now?

Irungovel though had no such reservations. He walked forward and ruffled his hair. "Well done, little one", he said, beaming.

"Thank you, chittapa!", he said, beaming back.

"That's enough", said Ilamchetchenni, still scowling. Valavan resisted rolling his eyes. He could already feel that a scolding was about to come, God knows for what reason. Even Irungovel raised a brow. "Apologize to Chezhiyan right this instant!"

Ilanchezhiyan looked horrified. "There is no need to apo-"

Ilamchetchenni shot him a look. "Be quiet, my boy." Ilanchezhiyan immediately fell silent. He again turned to Valavan, his voice deathly quiet. "I said, apologize."

Valavan looked baffled. "What for? I did no wrong!"

Ilamchetchenni's eyes brewed with cold fury. "What you just did doesn't count as a wrong deed in your books? Is that how you mock those who are elder to you? That too when they are giving valuable inputs with the sole intention of helping you?"

Ilanchezhiyan looked like he wanted to argue but remained silent. Valavan looked sufficiently chastised. But his eyes held a hint of defiance in them. "Ilanchezhiyan said that I was distracted. I wasn't. He was", he argued childishly.

Ilamchetchenni pinched the bridge of his nose and exhaled. "Look Valava. What Ilanchezhiyan said is true. Drifting off in the middle of battle will result in dire consequences. You will not be so lucky next time."

Valavan still looked disgruntled. "It wasn't lu-"

"Be that as it may, that is not the tone you must have used while addressing someone older than you", said Ilamchetchenni sharply. "Apologize."

Valavan stared at the ground angrily, refusing to reply.


Valavan lifted his head up furiously. One look at Chezhiyan's face and his anger evaporated. If anything, he looked guilty, his eyes remorseful. All Valavan felt now was regret. Father was right. He shouldn't have done it. "I'm sorry", he said, his eyes contrite.

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