Chapter 56: To Be Wild

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Cheran and Pandyan left for their respective kingdoms after discussing the positions.

It had been decided that Urayur will form the head as it was better trained to lead the attack and smother the opponent. The Cheras were to form the body of the snake while the Pandyas were to form the rear end.

Training and practice was all that was left. The months in between, all three of them agreed, would be more than sufficient for that.

Once they dispersed, Irungovel finally let the satisfaction glow in his smile.

It was a job well done.

With the smile still on his face, he made his way towards the Palace to take a much needed nap. On his way, he saw Mara seated on the far end of the Palace Grounds.

He was flinging small stones away as far as he could forcefully.


Irungovel pursed his lips. Perhaps, he shouldn't have injured his ego with outsiders present.

Turning, he walked to the place where Mara was seated. Mara didn't seem to have noticed him. It was either that, or he had purposely chosen to ignore him.

Irungovel highly doubted that.

When he reached the spot, he cleared his throat loudly. Startled, Mara swiftly got to his feet and bowed low. "Your Majesty!"

Irungovel assessed his face. "Too engrossed in hitting the imaginary Irungovel, were you?"

Mara gasped, looking down. "Never, My Lord!"

Irungovel sighed. "It was your fault, Mara. You shouldn't have done that. Never interrupt me while I'm explaining my plans to someone."

Mara nodded mutely, not raising his eyes to meet Irungovel's face. Irungovel stared at him. "Are you that upset because I silenced you in front of them?"

Mara finally looked at him, appalled. "Nothing like that, Lord."

Irungovel shrugged. "Well, it seems like that to me. Where are your customary questions? By now, you must have bombarded me with your curiosity!"

Despite himself, a small chuckle escaped Mara. Irungovel smiled slightly. "Well?"

Mara let out another chuckle. "Why, Lord? I did not think that your idea was a good one. Hence, I interrupted."

Irungovel nodded, pleased. "Go on. Explain yourself."

Mara shrugged lightly. "The Sarpa Vyuham might have never let you down so far. But, isn't that because your opponents never knew of it? The Prince and Ilanchezhiyan were predominantly trained by you. That is why they had anticipated it and planned to execute the Garuda Vyuham!" He looked down again, taking a deep breath. "Despite knowing of this, I feel that you made a... that you made an error."

Irungovel shot him an appreciative look. "Not bad, Mara. Not bad at all! Everything you said is true. But, you had missed one small detail."

Mara frowned. "What is it, Lord?"

Irungovel patted his shoulder. "Sarpa Vyuham's counter is indeed Garuda Vyuham. But, do they have the adequate resources to form it?"

Mara's frown deepened. "He has three armies, doesn't he?"

Irungovel laughed. "Indeed, he does. But, the Garuda Vyuham needs five parts to become a formidable presence. At least, four, if he decides to split an army." He laughed again. "Where is he going to find another?"

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