Chapter 31: What Needs To Be Done

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Valavan was awake.

But not quite.

He could sense that it was morning, a warm feeling washing over him. He kept his eyes shut, unwilling to open them just yet though. In a state of semi-awareness, he shifted his head to his left to find a better position of comfort. Rewardingly, his face sank further into the soft pillow.

Into the soft pillow.

Valavan's eyes flew upon and he bolted up straight. Instantly, he screamed in pain.

The door burst open and Irumpitar Thalayar came bursting in. Valavan couldn't believe his eyes, his pain momentarily forgotten. "Mama?!"

The Azhundurvel rushed forward, his face filled with concern. "Valava!", he scolded. "Don't strain yourself! Lie down!!"

Shocked beyond words, Valavan did as he was told. Irumpitar Thalayar came forward and helped him, adjusting the pillow to make it easier for him to lie down.

Valavan still seemed stunned. "What are you doing here, Mama?" He looked around, confused. "Where am I? Was I not in the Urayur dungeon?"

The Azhundurvel's eyes darkened. "No, son. You are here in the Azhundur palace."

"Azhundur?! Wha- How?"

The door opened and Ilanchezhiyan walked in, followed by two unfamiliar men. When he saw that the Prince was awake, his eyes brightened. Valavan was even more stunned.


"Prince!", he exclaimed, the relief evident in his voice. "How are your legs feeling now?"

For the first time, Valavan looked at his source of pain. His eyes widened in horror. Although two big plantain leaves obscured his legs, he could see the various red, angry blotches on his legs. They did not even seem close to being healed any time soon. In addition to that, his legs were completely charred.

Bile rose to his throat as he looked away from the gory sight. There was a heavy silence as the room absorbed his reaction. One of the unfamiliar men broke the silence. "It is not as bad as it looks", he reassured cheerily. "The Urayur Vaidhyar said that you will be able to walk in no time at all!"

Valavan looked at him. He was a boy, slightly older than himself. On a closer look, he decidedly appeared to be older than Chezhiyan as well. His tall, slightly muscular profile contrasted his jovial, round face. His dark brown eyes appeared playful. As Valavan studied his features, his face seemed a lot more familiar.

"Do I know you?", he asked, puzzled. That boy laughed awkwardly, running a hand through his coily hair.

"I suppose you can say that you do. You did lie on me all the way here. Our bodies are already very much acquainted. For your information, you make a nice pillow."


The other boy hit him on his shoulder. "Don't mind Vikraman. He's always like that." He nodded firmly. "I'm Parthiban by the way. Vikraman and I are the Sub-Commanders of Puhar."

Valavan now took him in. Being the Sub-Commanders seemed to be where both their similarities ended. Parthiban was a lot more bulky, had rough, coarse hair, and a serious face.

Valavan found himself more confused by the minute. The unrelenting pain in his legs didn't help. "Can someone please tell me what is going on?"

Ilanchezhiyan nodded. "Allow me to explain. I'm sure you remember that you escaped from the dungeon and came outside." Valavan nodded, hazily recollecting it. He couldn't remember everything as of yet, however. 

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