Chapter 22: Kali

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Mara couldn't bear the curiosity anymore. "Where are we going, Your Majesty? Do we actually have some job to do or did you just say that as a parting shot?"

Irungovel laughed out, looking as though he was surprised. "Why, Mara! When have I ever said a thing I don't mean?"

Plenty of times. But he kept that thought to himself and merely nodded. If Irungovel had guessed his thoughts, he didn't let on. He merely continued. "In answer to your question, yes, we are indeed going to do an important job. A very important job, in fact."

Mara raised a curious brow. "What might that be?"

Irungovel heaved a huge sigh. "Something I take great displeasure in doing. Remember what I promised on the day of my Coronation? I need to send the Royal Elephant in search of little Valavan."

Mara looked surprised. "But, I thought that you just made it crystal clear that you will not tolerate your subjects questioning you unless they wanted to face the consequences! Why do you bother?"

Irungovel chuckled. "Don't be silly, boy. I've been the King for what? Two days now? Not even a week! Yes, it's good to send a message but we must never push them too much. You never know how they will react! We don't want a repeat of a much better Paramu, do we?"

Mara furrowed his brows in confusion. "So, are you saying that this act is going to portray you in good light and earn back their favour?"

Irungovel laughed. "No! What I'm saying is that, this act will leave them confused, very much like how you are now! They wouldn't know what my true intentions are and wouldn't know what to believe!" He winked. "Always a good idea to keep them in the dark and at the edge of their toes, second-guessing themselves!" He shot him a sideways smile. "Also, I don't need their favour, boy. Like I said, I only need the people to comply, not accept. The King needs no one."

Mara still couldn't comprehend fully but let it be. It somewhat made sense. He fired his next question. "So what are your true intentions?"

Irungovel nodded appreciatively. "Now this is a good question. What do you think they are? I already hinted that I'm displeased."

Mara scratched his head. "Well, if I were to guess, I think you are displeased over the fact that you are forced to bring the Prince back. It would threaten your position." He paused to consider. "Not now maybe. But in the future."

Irungovel laughed. "You think too highly of me, boy. It's adorable how you think I'm going to wait around for him to live that long to find out."

Mara's eyes widened. "You mean-"

Irungovel nodded sadly. "I do love that boy and would miss his smiling face." He let out another sigh. "But what needs to be done certainly needs to be done, my emotions non-withstanding. No one will threaten my position, as you put it."

Mara nodded. "You are right, Lord. It's never a good idea to leave the weeds unplucked."

Irungovel looked thoughtful. "There's that as well. Honestly, I want him gone just so that the people won't get any more funny ideas. But, your point holds good too. One shouldn't leave unfinished business unfinished. It will always come back one day to bite you in the back." He stroked his stubble. "Unwittingly, by forcing my hand, they actually did me a huge favour, as it would appear. They helped me eliminate any possible discrepancies that might arise in the future!"

Mara chuckled. "It's amazing how things always seem to go your way, Your Majesty."

Irungovel chuckled darkly. "They don't, boy. I make them."

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