Chapter 57: The Right Wing

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Valavan turned to Chezhiyan, shocked. "Ma?"

Ilanchezhiyan didn't turn to look at him, or even acknowledge him. He was busy gaping at her. That woman smiled slightly. Recovering, Ilanchezhiyan walked forward and bent at her feet. Bewildered, the others did the same. She kept a hand on each of their heads, gently gesturing for them to rise. They did.

Poovazhagi stared at Ilanchezhiyan. "Is this your mother?", she whispered, curiosity burning her.

That woman heard her and laughed lightly. "Oh, no, no! The Commander merely likes to call me that out of respect."

Having not gotten a straight answer, Poovazhagi lost patience. Unknown to the eyes of the others, she raised her fingers and gave his arm a mild pinch. He jerked out of his reverie, managing to suppress his yelp at the last minute. Shooting her a reprimanding look, he turned to the others. "Uh, yes. She is my... my friend's mother."

Valavan shot him a confused look. "Friend? Who?"

Ilanchezhiyan swallowed painfully. "Paramu. Parameshwaran. He is... was a fisherman."

Valavan's eyes swiftly cleared in understanding. Just at the mention of the name, he remembered who that was and what had happened to him. Yet another wave of loathing for Irungovel washed over him. He quickly looked at the lady.

Her eyes were dimmed with sadness. Ilanchezhiyan noticed. Guilt swamped all over him once again. "I'm sorry, Ma!"

She shook her head and gave him a small smile. "How many times have I told you that it is not your fault, Chezhiya? Like I said before, I do not hold any grudge against you. You do not need to apologize every time you see me."

Chezhiyan nodded and looked down, still unable to bring himself to meet her eyes. Every time he looked at them, he was reminded of Parumu's lifeless ones as he hung from that tree, mutilated.

All because of him.

Valavan took over for him. "Ma? We were informed that you had something urgent to tell us. What is it? Do you need any help?"

She chuckled. "I do not, Prince. As a matter of fact, I'd come to offer my help to you."

Valavan raised a brow. "Oh?"

She nodded. Her eyes caught sight of the scroll spread across the table and smiled. "Yes. And, it seems like I've come at the right time."

Chezhiyan finally looked at her and frowned. "I don't understand, Ma. Can you elaborate?"

She didn't reply and walked over to the table instead, studying the scroll intently. Spotting a few pawns around, she picked them up. "This is your strategy, I presume?"

It was Valavan who responded. "Yes, that is the one."

She nodded. "Could you please show me how you plan to position your armies, assuming that you have discussed it, that is?"

Before Valavan could question her on that, Alli stopped him. "Let's not keep asking her. She has come to say something. Let her tell it at her own pace."

Valavan shrugged and nodded. Paramu's mother looked at her. "If I may ask, who might this young lady be?"

Alli smiled. "I'm Alli, Princess of Nangur."

Her eyes widened. "Our future Queen, that is!"

Alli laughed. Noticing Chezhiyan's look, Valavan caught his eye. "Indra Vizha", he mouthed. Having momentarily forgotten that, Chezhiyan nodded in understanding. 

Alli walked over and stood beside her. She pointed. "As you know, we have three armies. We are splitting one." At that, Paramu's mother picked one more pawn. Without comment, Alli pointed to all the spots. She placed a pawn on all the spots Alli pointed.

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