Chapter 6: Ilanchezhiyan

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"I think I must go for a secret visit around the kingdom", said Ilamchetchenni the next day. "Last I checked, there are no pressing court matters that need to be attended to. Besides, it's high time, don't you think?"

The Queen looked up from the manuscripts she was poring over and smiled. They were in their private chambers, having just finished a court session. Valavan was playing outside on the palace grounds, his shouts ringing clear.  "Yes, it is. We need to get a first-hand report on the welfare of our people after all. Are you planning to go alone or will you be taking your brother along?"

"Alone. He has some unfinished work to be done apparently. Something pressing about our allies. I offered to look into it but he assured me that it was nothing he couldn't handle." He shrugged and gave himself a final once over. With the ragged peasant outfit and a shawl partially covering his face, no one could suspect him. He let a smug smile creep up his face. "No one can recognize me, can they?"

The Queen looked up and ran her eyes over his tall, well disguised form. She smirked. "Definitely not. Even my brother would agonize over the state of my life if he were to see you now!"

He pouted. She giggled, beckoning him. When he came close enough, she pulled him down and whispered, "Still handsome". He gave her a feral grin. Pushing him away with a laugh, she said, "Now get off my hair. I need to read!"  With a kiss on her forehead, he left, laughing.


The morning sun cast forth its golden tendrils, blanketing the earth with a soft, yellowy glow. Ilamchetchenni tilted his head up, soaking up the pleasant weather. It felt good to walk along the busy streets of Urayur, to see his people go about their morning routine cheerfully. Ever since the rain five years back, the land had been receiving steady rainfalls, effectively getting rid of the gloom masking the Empire. He allowed himself a small smile. The Lord had indeed taken care of their problem. Om Namah Shivaya. 

Satisfied that his people were indeed adequately well and were not suffering from any dire problems, he decided to take a quick break near the pond. Upon reaching a banyan tree, he was about to sit under its shade when he heard the unmistakable twang of a bow. Curious, he peered behind.

A young boy, only slightly older than Valavan, was standing near the shoreline of a pond, his back ramrod straight, a makeshift bow on hand, his stance flawless. As Ilamchetchenni watched on in awe, with the precision of a skilled archer, he took aim. Ilamchetchenni followed his line of sight. On the other side of the pond, a bird was perched on a tree, peering into its nest. Unaware by the bird, a snake was slithering towards the treetop, slowly but surely. Ilamchetchenni understood the boy's intention. An impossible shot, especially for his age. Tilting his head, the boy closed an eye and let the arrow fly. To Ilamchetchenni's utter disbelief, the arrow whizzed past, firmly lodging onto the snake, killing it in one blow. The boy smiled slightly. 

The skill...

"Bravo boy!", he called out, unable to stay silent any longer. Surprised, the boy turned around, almost dropping his bow. He looked ready to bolt. Why was he so scared?

"How old are you?"


Just three years older than Valavan. "Who taught you this? How did you manage to shoot so far?"

He shrugged. "I have good eyesight I guess."

Ilamchetchenni barked out a short laugh. "That you do. But why", he asked, keeping his voice gentle, "did you shoot the snake?" The boy shrugged again. "Did you not think the bird could fend for itself?" Another shrug was his reply.

Just when Ilamchetchenni thought that he wouldn't get anything else, he spoke, his voice low. "The bird could have probably saved itself. But, there was still this risk present. I... I didn't want the snake to ruin its family."

Something about the way the boy said it made his heart clench. "Where do you live?" 

He looked down. "Just... Around. I don't have anyone. Nor do I have a place to live."

Ilamchetchenni took a good look at him. He was tall for his age, inky black hair unruly and straight, reaching till his shoulders. With a scrawny frame and wide amber eyes, he looked so vulnerable. Despite being dirty, he looked handsome. Ilamchetchenni knew what he had to do.

"Come with me boy. I'll take care of you."

The boy clenched his hands. "I don't want anyone's pity."

Ilamchetchenni smiled. "Even from the King?"

The boy looked up, eyes widening. He stared at him, recognition washing over his face. After a heartbeat, he looked down. "Even then."

Ilamchetchenni smiled even more broadly. "You have some courage in there don't you? Well then, just so you know, offering pity or charity was not what I had in mind. I want you to train along with my son and command troops in my army when you are ready. Are you up for it?"

The boy looked up in shock once more, before looking down again. Yet, in that brief moment, Ilamchetchenni glimpsed the longing in his eyes. His eyes softened. "That skill you just displayed there? It was extraordinary. With training, you can do wonders. You think you don't have anyone? Become a warrior and watch the empire hail you as their hero."

The boy swallowed once. He looked up, his eyes determined. He nodded.



Valavan ran forward and jumped into his father's arms. Ilamchetchenni laughed and picked him up, swinging him. He then put him down and ruffled his hair. "Look who I brought home, Valava!"

That was when he noticed the boy at his father's side, fidgeting nervously. He looked at him curiously. The Queen had also come out. She looked at Ilamchetchenni, eyes questioning.

Ilamchetchenni bent down and put his arm around his son. "He will be with you, Valava. Father has brought him to study and train with you. Alright?" He glanced at the Queen, who had put two and two together. She nodded subtly with an encouraging smile.

Valavan was still looking at the boy. "Does that mean he will be my friend?", he whispered to his father. The boy, who obviously heard it, smiled. Ilamchetchenni nodded seriously. "Yes he will."

Valavan stared some more. Then he gave him a toothy grin. The boy grinned back. "What's your name?"




Ilanchezhiyan (Ilan- che- zhi- an) : இளஞ்செழியன்



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