Chapter 69: Battle of Venni Part IV

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If you haven't already, please check the previous chapter as I've added a scene at the end. I've also edited the war bits including the fight with Pandya King so check it out as well!


Valavan saw red.

All the way to Kali, he could picture nothing but a bloodied Chezhiyan, arrows protruding from his body.

His body started to tremble with anger.

He finally reached the spot where Kali was tied to. Kali was moving about, clearly antsy.

She was clad in protective armour, much sturdier than what they all wore. Nothing could penetrate through it. Her trunk too was adorned with a covering layered with spikes. Merely looking at her would no doubt instill fear in their hearts.

Valavan shot her a grim look. "Are you ready, baby girl?"

Kali trumpeted loudly in answer.


Chezhiyan sat up suddenly with a gasp.

Disoriented, he looked around to make sense of his bearings. He was on the ground on a mattress.

Where was he?

Poovazhagi, who had been near him, shot to her feet. The next instant, her worried face hovered above his. "Are you feeling better now?"

Chezhiyan took a moment to assess his body. The arrow from his waist had been removed. So were the others. The whole of his abdomen was covered with a white cloth. Some sort of a green paste had been applied over his wound. The burning sensation had completely disappeared, leaving behind only a dull pain. It was not unbearable anymore.

He nodded once. As he opened his mouth, he realized that his mouth was completely parched. Licking his lips, he gestured for some water. Poovazhagi swiftly produced a glass full of water. Chezhiyan grabbed it and gulped it in one go. Instantly, his head cleared. Everything came to him.


He looked around to find the tent empty except for the two of them. He searched Poovazhagi's face. "Where is Uttaman? In the next tent?"

Poovazhagi gave him a nervous smile. "You have just woken up yourself. Rest. We'll talk about it later."

Chezhiyan's heart stopped. "Where is he?"

This time, Poovazhagi didn't reply. She bowed her head.

No, no, no, no, no!

He stood up too fast. Pain shot through his side. Poovazhagi immediately moved to his side and tried to support him. He waved her way, standing his ground until the pain passed. Once it did, he moved outside the tent as fast as he could. Judging that he must be in the tent next to his, he barged in. His blood ran cold.

Uttaman was lying on the ground, motionless. Not even the arrows from his body had been fully removed. The Vaidhyar in the tent looked at him, shocked.

"How are you up so soon? You were supposed to be resting!"

Ilanchezhiyan didn't reply or even acknowledge her presence, looking at Uttaman unblinkingly. With each moment that passed, he felt his heart crack a little more.

If something happens to me, please have my parents taken care of, Lord. They have no one except for me.

The Vaidhyar's tone gentled. "He was dead before he was even in for treatment. I'm sorry."

He slumped to the ground and buried his face in his palms. He was sick of the deaths.

He was sick of getting to see the people he spent every day with fall prey to swords and arrows right before his eyes.

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