Chapter 63: Brother

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Ilanchezhiyan stilled. "What? Are you honestly trying to accuse Vikraman now?"

Hurt flashed in Uttaman's eyes. "Lord, trust me. I did not go meet Irungovel! Don't you remember? The letter did not even mention my name in it!" His voice became beseeching. "I was trained by you, Lord. I'd never do this to you, never even dream of it. I swear by everything I stand for that I did not betray you."

Ilanchezhiyan's breath caught as the first seed of doubt planted itself inside him. He shook it off, focusing on channeling his anger on Uttaman. 

This must be part of his manipulation.

He pointed to his table, eyes narrowed. "Then, I'm sure you won't have any problem with me reading whatever you had written on that letter."

Uttaman didn't reply, choosing to mutely nod instead. His response reinforced the doubt in Chezhiyan's mind. With shaky hands, he grabbed the scroll and scanned its contents.

Dear Mother,

I hope that Father is feeling better now. I'll send in money soon for whatever expenses you might have. With the war happening in a few days, I do not know if I'll return, probably ever.

Stay strong.


Chezhiyan's legs threatened to give out. Ignoring Uttaman's concerned look, he forced his legs to rush out of the chamber.


"I saw Ilanchezhiyan poring over battle plans and how he fixed one. This is what he is going to do. I took a copy of it from his chamber."

Irungovel's eyes twinkled. "I'm glad you are making the smart choice, kid. Know that I'm very proud of you." 

Mara, who was observing, chuckled. "You came prepared, huh?"

He didn't answer. Irungovel laughed loudly, patting him on his back. "I knew you would come around. Took you long enough, though." He didn't reply yet again. Irungovel could sense the inner conflict that he was having between his ambition and his morals. He didn't push him anymore after that. "Well, that will be all. You needn't come again. A message alone should suffice henceforth." He looked him in the eye. "Make sure that no one gets to know of this before the right time arrives."

The spy nodded. He opened his mouth as though to ask something, but closed it at the very last instant. Bowing, he turned to leave.

Irungovel stopped him. "What is it, kid? Do you want to ask me something?"

He turned and hesitated. "Why did you send Uttaman the letter, Your Majesty? Why did you not send it to me directly?"

Irungovel winked. "You will know the answer to that soon enough, Vikrama. Thank me later for it."


Chezhiyan reached Vikraman's chamber in a daze. When he reached there, the doors were open. Vikraman was inside, not resting as he had informed him.

He was writing a letter.

Chezhiyan shut his eyes, unwilling to believe what they saw. Hearing movement, Vikraman turned around and spotted Chezhiyan. He rose up with a smile. "Chezhiya? Is there something I can do for you?"

"I thought you were tired?", whispered Chezhiyan, his voice hoarse. 

Vikraman's smile faltered for a moment at his tone before it returned. "Not too tired to just finish a letter I'd been meaning to send. It's long overdue." He stretched. "Once I finish, I'm going to take a nice restful nap."

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