Chapter 3: The Miracle

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Entering his cozy private chamber, Ilamchetchenni felt a wave of contentment wash over him.  Looking at the serene face of his wife after a tiresome day never ceased to bring him joy. Night had befallen, flooding the chamber with silvery moonlight.

She was sitting on the bed, reading something, her back to him. She was utterly engrossed, lost in the world of words as she often was. Her dark, luscious hair framed her face, starkly brought out by her red silk saree. He smiled and walked over to the edge of the bed, taking off his silk shawl and placing it on a chair nearby. Noticing the movement, she finally looked up and beamed. He sat down on their bed and answered back with a tired smile. She frowned, moving closer to him, her bundle of manuscripts forgotten. "Is everything okay?", she asked, her voice tinged with concern. 

"I'll get to that in a moment", he exhaled.  She gave him a long look but didn't protest. 

A guard came in, carrying two large plates of food.  She turned to him, one brow raised. He shrugged apologetically. "I wanted to eat here with you tonight. Just the two of us, alone."

She started giggling. "Something funny?", he asked, brows furrowed. 

"Nothing much. Your romantic whims amuse me." 

He scowled. "Don't ." 

She giggled some more. Shaking his head, he motioned for the guard to place the food on the table. Upon completing the task the guard exited.


Muthu left the room, glancing around fervently. Sweat beaded his forehead. He wiped it away impatiently. Discreetly hurrying along to the vast corridor, he finally reached the vast open space at its end. 

Throwing one last glance behind him, he took out the scroll he had already written, informing that the poison had been successfully mixed. Trying to swallow down the guilt assuaging him, he whistled softly. 

His white pigeon came whooshing in, ready for flight. He held his hand out.  As the pigeon perched on the back of his palm, he made quick work of tying the scroll to its leg, whispering the destination. The bird took off instantly. Across the hall, he met Mara's questioning eyes and nodded. Turning back, he watched his pigeon fly towards Gunaseelan's house, wondering if the bag of gold coins was worth the sin. 


"You need to eat now, love", said Ilamchetchenni, picking up a plate.

"Since when have I eaten before you, Lord ?", she asked playfully, earning another scowl.

"It's late! You shouldn't have waited for me", he admonished. She shrugged, rubbing her stomach absent-mindedly.

"I wasn't really hungry. In fact, I was feeling a bit queasy."

He shot her a worried look. "Are you okay? Here, let me feed you", he declared, his hand outstretched, a morsel of food poised near her lips. She shook her head, pushing his hand away. He looked at her, eyes questioning.

"I don't want food now... Maybe a bit later?" 


She placed a finger on his lip, shushing him. "Stand with me on the balcony for a while. Please?" She gave him a sweet smile, her dimples showing on full force.

He sighed heavily. "Your dimples are going to be the death of me", he muttered, defeated. "They drive me mad!"

"Oh, I know", she smirked, pulling him to his feet.

"Wicked woman", he grumbled, following her. Her tinkling laughter was the only answer.

The cool air hit them, caressing their faces lovingly. Ilamchetchenni moved behind her, wrapping his arms around her. She leaned back against him, her head rested against his broad chest. They gazed at the night sky, soaking in the tranquility the winking stars offered. She tilted her head up to look at him. "We never talked about it".

"Talked about what?"

"It's a son. I won!!"

He snorted. "Who exactly do you think lost here, darling?"

She hit him on the chest, earning a chuckle. "Do not mock the Velir Princess of Azhundur!"

He leaned forward, placing his head on her shoulder. "How about the Queen of Urayur? ", he whispered. She shivered, not entirely from the cold. He grinned into her hair. She hit him once more before they both cracked up. A beat of silence passed before Ilamchetchenni spoke in a muffled voice. "I'm afraid."

She whirled around, her eyes brimming with anxiety. "What for?"

"Our lands have not seen a drop of water for a long period now. Agriculture is affected. Trade is affected. Our people are suffering! If this condition prolongs, we are going to face an acute shortage. I...I just... I don't know what to do!"

She placed a palm on his cheek. His anguished eyes met hers. "Not everything can be controlled by us. Everything happens for a reason. If this is Lord Shiva's will, then so be it. If he has sent us this predicament, then he will surely send a solution for this too. A miracle will happen. Soon. Om Namah Shivaya."

He placed his forehead against her. "A miracle ?"

She smiled, nodding. "A miracle."

"I love you."

She simpered. "I know."

Ilamchetchenni was about to reply when a blinding light flashed across the sky. Startled, they looked up. Lightning streaked the sky. The royal couple exchanged shocked looks. Thunder boomed, loud and clear. The Queen covered her mouth, tears of joy escaping her eyes. From their vantage point, they could see their subjects rushing out, shouting in joy. 

"Om Namah Shivaya! It's happening! It's a miracle!!", cried out Ilamchetchenni, overwhelmed with exhilaration. The Queen nodded joyously, still unable to form coherent words. Suddenly she gripped her stomach, crying out in agony. Ilamchetchenni rushed to her side, shocked. That's when he noticed. His eyes widened.

Her water had broke.

She clutched his arm, another wave of pain going through her. Yet, she gave him a watery smile, glancing at the rain that had begun to pour. "What d-did I tell you? Miracle. That's our son... He's our Saviour"

He nodded, his face shining with love and happiness. He yelled for the guards.

"Call the Vaidhyar. The Queen's in labour."



The Velirs were a royal house of minor dynastic kings and aristocratic chieftains in the early historic period of Tamil Nadu. There were 14 clans of Velirs at this point of time.

Azhundhur (Ah- zh (I honestly don't know how to say this in English lol) -un- dhoor) :அழுந்தூர்

Vaidhyar (Vai-Dhi-Yar) - Doctor: வைத்தியர்

The Cholas were predominantly Shaivite, which means that they were worshippers of Lord Shiva. Hence the reference.



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