Chapter 32: To Strike Hard

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Alli reached her chamber and collapsed into her bed, exhausted. Poovazhagi, too tired to walk to her own chamber, fell into the bed beside Alli as well. As if on cue, the guard outside her chamber announced the arrival of the King. Poovazhagi instantly sat up.

Alli rolled her eyes. Even after all these years, even after the King treating her like his own daughter, Poovazhagi could never really open up. She always kept her distance.

The Nangurvel strode in, a huge smile on his face. He was not alone. The Queen was with him. Her face, if not happy, was most certainly relieved.

Poovazhagi nodded at them respectfully and sat up straighter. Alli didn't bother. If anything, she stretched into a more comfortable position and threw her hands behind her pillow.

The Nangurvel sat down on the edge of the bed and surveyed them. "Tired?", he asked, concern colouring his voice.

Alli nodded. "I'm so tired, I don't even want any dinner." Poovazhagi looked at her, crestfallen. The Queen caught the look and laughed. "Don't worry, honey! We have piping hot food being readied as we speak. I've asked the cook to even prepare all your favourite dishes! I'm definitely not going to let you girls go to bed with an empty stomach after a long journey."

Alli groaned. Poovazhagi wore a smug smile. Alli glared at her. Of all the things Poovazhagi was embarrassed of, admitting that she was hungry was not one of them. Where all the food went inside her remained a mystery.

Alli turned to look at her mother. "Well, you seem awfully concerned for a person who didn't seem overjoyed by our return."

The Queen scowled at her. "Oh, I'm so very pleased with your return, you have no idea how much. The only thing that displeased me was you running behind some boy." She smiled contentedly. "That wouldn't happen again too, now that this business is all finished."

The Nangurvel chuckled. "Speaking of which, what happened? Is the Prince all safe?"

Alli sat up and leaned against the headboard, not wanting to lie down while narrating what had taken place. Her mother walked around the bed and sat down beside her, a hand running over her head lovingly. She smiled at her mother before she took a pillow and placed it on her lap. "Yes, Pa. He is well." Her eyes hardened. "Your suspicions came true though."

The Nangurvel looked alarmed. "I thought you just said that he is safe?"

Alli nodded. "He is. But Irungovel acted in the exact manner you predicted. He had him thrown in the dungeon and set it on fire." Her parents' eyes widened. "The Prince however escaped and ran out and collapsed. Do you know Commander Ilanchezhiyan of Puhar?" Her father nodded. "Well, he had arrived there too with his Sub-Commanders. Together, we all rescued the Prince. The Commander took him to Azhundur." She looked out of her window. The sky was beginning to darken. "They must have reached there by now."

The Nangurvel nodded thoughtfully. "Azhundur is a good choice. He will be safe with his Uncle. He is a good man." He paused, stroking his beard. "Well, that was what I thought of Irungovel too. But then again, I know Irumpitar Thalayar." He smiled. "The Prince is in good hands, Alli. You need not worry anymore."

The Queen smiled happily. "Yes, you needn't! I'm so glad that you won't be seeing that Prince from now on."

Alli and the Nangurvel exchanged a look before they burst out laughing. Even Poovazhagi, who had remained silent all along, chuckled. The Queen looked at them, bewildered. "What are you all laughing about?"

The Nangurvel laughed some more. "Yes, Alli won't see him. She'll only go to Azhundur two days once every two weeks for her dance lessons and do absolutely nothing else."

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