40 - May change into Zombie

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I don't want to repeat last night's awkward dinner. With Logan's help, I shoved the half-finished house model and all the art supplies in the car's back seat. Hopefully, the guys or the girls, one of them will agree to finish this at their place from now on.

By the time I went to my interior design class Mandy and Reeva were already there.

"Can we please finish the model at your place after the classes? Last night was so awkward and I can't go through it again." I groaned placing my bag on the bench and taking my seat.

"What? I'm gonna miss the hottie. And don't get me started on all the delicious food your cook prepares." Reeva whined.

"You can visit later. You and Mandy on the weekends. I don't know why but I feel Jason kinda doesn't like Zack. Please!" I said folding my hands and showing my puppy face to them.

Please let the puppy face work.

"Sure. We can finish it at our place." Mandy agreed. I sighed in relief with a huge grin on my face and Reeva pouted at us.

"What are you guys talking about?" Kevin asked taking the chair next to me.

I looked behind him but I couldn't find Zack anywhere not even in the front row talking with the plastic barbie dolls.

"He isn't here," Kevin replied me pulling me out of my thoughts.

"As expected of him" I muttered under my breath. I don't know why but after seeing his dedication yesterday I thought otherwise of him.

"We are finishing the boho model at our place instead of Amy's" Reeva pouted.

"Oh thank God. I can concentrate on it in peace now. I just couldn't focus on it yesterday at Amy's place."

"Why?" I asked in confusion and looked at Reeva and Mandy and both of them shrugged their shoulders in response.

"I'm worried I will get paint or something on your costly furniture or cushions, etc and the paint fight yesterday didn't help it. And the way Zack kept passing all the unnecessary comments at dinner and provoking Jackson, your boyfriend kept glaring at both of us throughout dinner."

I giggled hearing Kevin's plight.

"FYI that's Jason, not Jackson and he is not my boyfriend."

"Oh okay," Kevin mumbled adjusting his glasses.

After all the classes, Logan dropped us at Mandy and Reeva's apartment. I asked him to leave for the day because don't want to keep him waiting and I could always get a taxi back home.

The day had been pretty eventful even there is a missing teammate. We almost finished our model and furniture. We just need to paint a few things, glue the furniture, and some finishing touches. Another day and this would be ready.

Tired and hungry, we decided to call it a day. Mandy ordered pizza for everyone for dinner. Grabbing a slice of my cheese burst pepperoni pizza I searched for my phone to check for any messages from Ryan or Sophie.

There are 21 missed calls from Jason. I left my phone silent after class. I called him immediately worried. After the first ring, he picked up the phone and lashed out at me.

"Where the hell are you? Do you even know how worried I am?" He lashed out at me. "Are you okay?" His voice turned soft.

Oh my? What's going on!!??? Why is he so angry?

"I am fine. I am at Mandy's place working on the project. Everything okay?"

"Send me the address when you are done I will pick you up." He replied dodging my question.

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