8 - Blood is thicker than Water

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lt is awkward sitting on the bus with a straight face while every person is talking about you. Sophie is sitting beside me and Ryan is in front of me. People came near me, gave me their condolences and pity glances, and then went to their seats.

Currently, I was feeling extremely low hearing them discuss the accident and thinking about how I would lead my life now. I felt like crying all over again.

'She would be given to foster home if not for The Browns.' A girl said in the back.

Tears clouded my eyes and my vision turned blurry. I held the bag in my lap tightly, acting like I didn't hear any of it.

I'm not used to so much attention. Only when Jason tried some stupid prank on me, people would notice me. But no one bothers me in school except Jason.

A girl from junior high who is known as the gossip queen came near me and cleared her throat.

"Hey Alicia, sorry about your parents.. so how are you coping up?'' She asked with concern.

"Her name is Amelia and yeah she is fine," said an irritated Ryan with people.

"Now that your parents are dead, I'm so worried for you. If you need any help from me just ask me. Where are you staying now? Have some relatives around? Or is it true that you are staying with The Browns?" She asked me ignoring Ryan.

I'm already feeling low and the way she is bombarding me with questions like if I'm waiting to get adopted or about my chances of adoption.

All the students on the bus are now looking at me intently waiting for my answer. And I'm feeling like I made a big mistake coming back to school.

"Back off Gina, it's none of your business. And no, she doesn't need your help," Sophie barked at her.

Gina went back to her seat and sat with a pissed-off look. I noticed Jason going and sitting next to Gina. I looked at him but he is so engrossed in making Gina laugh.

As expected!

Gina is acting all dreamy with Jason next to her. Twisting her hair with her fingers, fluttering her eyelashes at him, and laughing animatedly at whatever he is saying, and touching his hand and shoulder.

This is the same reaction that he gets every time. Sighing and shaking my head I turned to look out the window.

I guess people don't change over a month!

The whole bus is in laughter seeing Gina scratch herself and crying with embarrassment.

"What did you do Jason" Gina shouted at him embarrassed.

"What did I do? I'm just sitting here, and why are you scratching yourself like an ape who didn't shower for a decade." He acted innocent.

The whole bus erupted in laughter.
"I'm fine till you came, but after that, I am feeling itchy all of a sudden." She wailed at him.

That must be Jason's itching powder which he brought especially for me.
Did he use that on Gina now?

I looked at him in awe, just then Jason looked back at me grinning. I averted my gaze from him, but couldn't stop the smile tugging at my lips.

I can still feel his gaze on my face but chose to not look at him. I felt Sophie nudging me pointing that we reached the school.

After getting down the bus. I told Ryan and Sophie to go ahead. I ran towards Jason.

"Why did you do that?" I asked him.

"What did I do?"

"You know... that thing with Gina. Why did u spray that itching powder on her?" I asked him after checking Gina is nowhere near us. I don't want her to hear us.

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