21 - I need my guards high

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I went to the living room wearing my tank top and jeans with long black and white striped shrug. Ryan and Jason already waiting in the living room. Dia walked moments later.

"I called Sameer to come to pick us. Harsh is coming to the movie theatre directly." Dia said walking down the stairs and brushing her hair.

"I'm here Dia, let's go." Said Sameer walking to the living room.

He grabbed the car keys and we all followed him out. I could see Jason staring at me but I chose to ignore him.

We reached the top floor of the mall, people are scattered over the lounge waiting for the movie to start. We sauntered over to Harsh.

"Hey, I booked the extra ticket as you said. Who is coming ?" Harsh asked Dia.

"Sameer is coming, we can't let him wait for us to finish the movie," Dia replied to him.

"Sameer? Didn't I tell you to stay away from him?" Harsh said with a frown on his face.

"Yeah but he is the one driving us around and dad ordered that we have to take him with us. He is a good guy. Don't be so mean to him." Dia replies

"Why? What's wrong with Sameer coming?" I asked Harsh.

"It's just a hunch, I don't feel too good about him." He replies.

"No, I think he is nice." I countered back to Harsh.

"Everyone looks nice to you," Jason muttered under his breath but I chose to act like I didn't hear him.

Sameer walks to us after parking the car. He looks over at Harsh mumbles "Hi" and Harsh nods at him in acknowledgment. I can see the cold air between them.

"So what movie are we going to watch?" Sameer asked breaking the silence.

"Conjuring 2" replies Harsh.

"What?" Ryan shouted and then laughs looking at my already pale face. I didn't think Harsh will chose a horror movie. I should have warned him.

"What's wrong?" Dia asked with knitted eyebrows.

"Oh, I do wish that you asked before booking tickets. Amy is scared of horror movies. She is so scared, the last time she watched a horror movie she got a fever the very next day and stayed sick for 2-3days" Ryan said laughing his head off

"That's the whole point, getting scared while you are safe.. the adrenaline rush. Amy can you watch this one or if you want we can cancel." Harsh asks me.

I so want to back out now. I don't want to watch it. I could ask Ryan or Dia to skip the movie, the mall looks good we could go shopping and there's also a gaming section we could have a nice time there. The rest can go watch the movie.

"Amelia? Where are you lost?" Asked Harsh pulling me out of my thoughts. I smiled at him but said nothing.

"We both could go shopping if you want to," Jason says surprising me and everyone around. A part of me wants to skip the movie, while another wants to tell him to go fuck himself.

He has been a prick lately and I don't want to spend my time with him alone. I know for sure that we both will start fighting the moment we are alone.

"Okay, let's go" the words rolled out of my mouth surprised me. Harsh said okay and Dia gave me a knowing smile. I glanced at Ryan, he pouted at me. I know he loves horror movies and loves to scare the shit out of me.

Sameer whispers "have fun" in my ears with a wink. I couldn't understand what he means to say.

I walked to the escalator with Jason, he held my hand in his, gave me his most charming smile, and asked me

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