61 - Honeymoon Expedition Starts

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I went to my room and kept scrolling through Instagram when I received a group video call from Mandy and Reeva.

Unknown anxiety raced through my heart. I picked the call and said in fake enthusiasm, "Hey girls, how are you both?"

"Hi," mandy replied in a dull voice.

"Are you two even worthy of being called a friend? It's been 3weeks and you both went MIA on me. No call no message." Reeva growled on the other side of the phone making me gulp.

"A lot was going on. I was a bit busy." I told them.

"No matter how busy you are, you at least got to reply to my texts. I was worried when both of you didn't reply." Reeva said exasperated.

Okay, this is it. This is where I tell them that I got married. Better now than never.

"Honestly what happened is.." I was cut by Mandy.

"I broke up with my boyfriend." She sniffled.

"What?" I and Reeva shouted together. As far as I know, they are crushing on each other since middle school and were dating for the past 3years.

"What happened?" I asked concerned.

"He was cheating on me the whole time. And I was thinking we are making long-distance work. And when I caught him and confronted him, he made it seem like I'm the other girl." Her voice cracked while talking and by the end started sobbing over the phone.

"He doesn't deserve you, Mandy. You should be happy that you came out of this relation." Reeva tried consoling her.

The next half an hour we spent trying to cheer heartbroken Mandy. I don't think this is a good time for me to drop the bomb.

Or is it?

After the call, Ryan, Leslie, and Dia came to my room while I was packing to go to this mysterious place. Trying to tease me about the honeymoon. Don't they have anything better to do?

"Where am I going? Tell me so I can pack appropriately. Should I pack coats or summer dresses or swimsuits?" I asked irritated.

"Oh, I don't think you need any of them," Leslie replied to me with a wink.

Blood rushed to my face making me flush.

"I swear Ryan. Get your sorry ass and your good for nothing girlfriend out." I shouted at him. "And yeah while you are at it please take this idiotic cousin of mine too." I continued sending a glare to Dia who was winking and sending coy smiles my way.

I threw my white button-down shirt into the suitcase, which is so not me. I picked it up again and neatly folded it and placed it in the suitcase.

"And do you need me to send Jason into the room after we all left?" Ryan smirked at me.

"Shut up Ryan!! Why did you have to say that?" Making a disgusted face, I grabbed a pillow and threw it at him, which he caught laughing maniacally.

Is it a sin to kill your friends when they are acting nonsensical and annoying?

"FYI you are going to switz," Ryan said.

"Ooh, Switzerland! How romantic!'' Dia sighed placing her palms under her chin with a longing look.

I loved when we went to Switzerland in 5th grade for Christmas. But I'm not sure if I feel the same about going there with Jason for my honeymoon. This is weird.

At lunch, I noticed Jason is missing. I kept looking at the door wondering why he isn't coming to eat lunch with all of us.

"Stop staring at the door, you are being too obvious" Ryan whispered next to me kicking my foot under the table.

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