3 - Lazy river is the best therapy

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The last one I want to see now. Ughh!

"Running away like a chicken?" Jason broke the silence walking towards us with Jessica, Dylan, Tony, and, Cindy. I can already feel irritation seep through every inch of my nerves.

"I'm not, I just choose to not get into this ride" I barked at him.

"Yeah, because you are scared. Admit it." He gave his famous cocky smirk and I just want to take a pen and poke his eyeballs.

"No, I'm not" I spat back.

What does he think of himself? Even if I'm scared the hell I'm about to accept it to him.

"Yes, you are" he affirmed.

"Get lost, you pig" I huffed out. He surely knows how to get on my nerves. I'm already in the mood to twist his neck. I would have done it if not for the twisting n flipping feel in my stomach.

"Oh look little kitty is scared!!" He continued his mocking session.

"Oh let her be darling, she is too small for this ride and she is probably scared, let's go," said Jessica batting her eyelashes at him and softly pulling him towards the ride.

And that's just like putting some salt over my wounds. Why does everyone feel like I'm a little kid?

Yeah, maybe the fact that I reached below Jason's shoulders but that guy is above 6ft. So I'm not to blame and I'm still growing.

"I'm not scared and I would ride this one," said the brainless egoistic me.

Why? Why can't I keep my mouth shut for once!!

"I dare you,"  Jason stopped in his tracks and gave me a mocking look.

"Amy, no need let's go," said Sophie pulling me away by my arm.

"There is no need to prove to him, let's go Amy and you Jason, just back off, stop bothering her at least on her Birthday," Ryan yelled at Jason.

But no, I decided to be the nonsensical idiotic moron that I am and decided to go ahead just to prove Jason wrong.

I walked towards the ride with my chin up in the air to show that I'm not scared but I think my wobbly legs gave them the idea of my real state.

I sat on a seat feeling scared but yeah how bad can it be... I will just close my eyes and count to 100.

Amy simple...breathe in and breathe out. I'm mentally preparing myself for this hole I dug myself. I want to smack myself.

I felt someone sitting in the seat beside me and looked at an amused Jason next to me.

"Why are you here?" I asked him irritated.

"You probably want to smack yourself, so I'm here to help you."

How can he always listen to my inner thoughts?? Creepy!!

"If I die here you are going to be the reason" I spat out angrily.

"Oh, I'm so thrilled to watch your face" he looked so excited buckling the restraints.

Is he going to open the restraints and push me out when we are high up in the air? What if he chokes my neck and kills me in here. My mind started to think of all possibilities.

"What about Jessica?" I asked, shouldn't he be sitting with his girlfriend. It is a 2seater so obviously, she wouldn't leave him to sit with me.

"You know I wouldn't miss this chance, and Jess is with Cindy maybe" he shrugged his shoulders like he didn't care.

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