90 - Dissipation is alluring

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"I am not his friend. I am his legally wedded wife and one of the major shareholders of this company. If you need your job then I want the details in my hand in the next minute." I shouted enraged.

The whole floor fell silent with my sudden outburst. "Are you getting that information out?" I asked impatiently.

"Yes, mam" The manager immediately signed his secretary to give me the details.

"Amelia, what are you doing here?" Charlie came running.

"You should go and talk with Jason. Ask him what happened, he has to clear this out to the media." Charlie said cautiously seeing me quiet.

"Mam, here is the information that you asked," an employee handed me Jessica's personal information printed on paper.

I thanked her and walked towards the elevator in long strides with Charlie following me.

"Why do you need Jessica's information?"

"I am going to meet her."

"No, you are not going to meet her. You should go and talk with Jason. Ask him what happened, we can handle the situation only if we knew what happened" Charlie said walking beside me.

I ignored him and entered the lift while Charlie followed me.

"Why did you even reveal your marriage now. Are you out of your mind? This is the worst time. What if someone from the office leaks it out to the media outside." Charlie huffed out in frustration.

"Amelia, I am talking to you. How are you so calm?", Charlie snapped at me.

"All this ruckus is caused because I wanted to keep my wedding a secret. I don't want to talk with him now, Charlie. I respect you so please don't ask me to go talk to him again." I said with fire blazing in my eyes.

He sighed. "What are you planning to do?"

"I need your help."


I drove above the speed limit through the streets till I reached Jessica's address. I looked at the red brick building in front of me.

I rang the bell and heard her ask from the other side of the door, "Who is it?"

"It's me, Amelia. Jessica, I need to talk with you." I said in a low voice pulling the ends of my button-up shirt down in anxiety.

The door creaked open slightly, Jessica peeked her head out and asked, "Are you alone?"


"Come in " she opened the door widely for me.

The living room is small with an old 2seater couch and a center table with two ottomans on either side of it. A vogue magazine opened and placed upside down on the table and beside it a cup of coffee. 

Is she reading a magazine now?

A small tv on the wall opposite the couch.  On the other side of the living room, there was an open kitchen with barstools at the counter.

"Coffee?" She asked shuffling on her feet as I sat on the couch.

"Water would be fine" she placed a glass of water in front of me.

"Thanks"  I took a sip.

"How are you?" She asked taking a seat on the Ottoman.

"What happened?" I asked her, straight to the point cutting small talk.

"We are at the party and all of a sudden I felt dizzy, maybe someone spiked my drink. I told Jason about it and he helped me to one of the hotel rooms upstairs." She stopped talking.

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