36 - 1001 ways to infuriate Amelia

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"Ice Cream?" Jason asked me. I nodded wiping my tears and nose to his shirt. Gross, I know... but childhood habit, I can't help it.

"Get your jacket" he ordered me walking out of my room to his. Jacket? I thought we are going to finish all the tubs in the freezer. Grinning I grabbed my coat and sprinted down the stairs and got into the car with Jason in tow.

It's a 10minute drive from home to a nearby park. There is a small ice cream store near it. I'm gawking at all the ice creams unable to decide the flavor. I'm torn between cookies n creme and mint choco-chip and then there is choco-chip cookie dough, which is also calling my name. Jason settled for a basic chocolate flavor.

''How boring!" I muttered under my breathe.

I sat on the car bonnet, holding my mint choco-chip and cookies n creme ice creams in different cones. And taking turns in licking them. I looked around to see the road almost empty. Only a few people sat on the benches outside the shop given the chilly weather. I snapped my head from my cones to chuckling Jason.

"What?" I feigned anger. Is he laughing at me?

Shaking his head he tasted his chocolate ice cream. I licked my lips in response. Now all of a sudden I'm craving some not-so-boring chocolate. What the hell is wrong with you, Amy? Eat your damn ice cream.

"Can I taste yours?" I asked him shamelessly. Jason gave me a funny look.

"You want to taste my boring flavor?" He tilted his head faking surprise.


He heard me. I facepalmed inwardly.

"Here," Jason stretched his cone to my lips. Before I could taste it, he scraped the ice cream on the tip of my nose and moved back laughing out loud.

"What the hell! Just say no if you don't want to share?" I shouted wiping my nose with the back of my sleeve. I gave a sheepish smile to the people who are staring at me.

"Sorry, here take it." He extended his ice cream again to me. I looked at him with furrowed eyes for a moment and bent my head down to taste it. This time he rubbed my face with it in a circle. I shrieked out in alarm as the cold cream is now on my cheeks, nose, and lips. I crushed the ice cream cones in my hands as anger swept through me.

I leaped down from the bonnet and lunged towards him trying to rub the leftover melting ice cream in my hands on his face. If I'm having dripping cream on my face then he should too. It's only fair that way.

He ran on the road away from me. I threw them at him in irritation when I'm not able to catch him.

After making sure there is none left in my hands he came back near me laughing. I checked his hands cautiously but his chocolate ice cream too joined mine on the road in the commotion.

Forget his, even mine are wasted because of him. Jason truly knew how to rile me up. I bet he could write a book with the title '1001 ways to infuriate Amelia'

He started clicking pictures of my face from all possible angles, which I know for sure is looking gross with chocolate ice cream dripping down my chin. I grabbed his off-white full-sleeved sweatshirt at the collar with both my hands on either side of his neck and tried to rub the ice cream from my face to his.

Now all that matters is that he too should have ice cream on his face. Isn't it?

Jason stopped laughing and sucked in a breath in response which in turn made me overly enthusiastic in whatever I was doing until his hands snaked around my waist. That was enough to knock some sense in my brain. What the hell was I doing. Amy, you are not 5!

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