16 - Druggie with drug overdose

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I felt ecstatic sitting in Brown's private jet. I am happy to go to India and meet my newfound family. Peter backed off from the trip saying he has some urgent matters to attend to.

Kristina blew up on him because she really wanted to go and she is even eager to meet my family. After grandpa called Peter to invite them to stay in grandpa's house instead of a hotel.

Peter said there was a problem with Limelight Interiors, my dad's company and he needs to stay to sort it out. I came to know that after my parents' death the share value crashed and some rivals seeing this opportunity are trying to buy the remaining shares from the other shareholders.

Kristina immediately offered to stay with him. Kristina is the 3rd biggest shareholder after my parents. She told me as a shareholder it will be best if she stayed with him and convince the others to not sell their shares to the rivals. And tell them Peter Brown from Elite Constructions is going to take care of the company till I'm fit to run the company.

God! They are doing too much for my Dad's business. Hope I won't shrink it once I get power in my hands!!

So now I'm sitting in this private jet with two Brown brothers, where one is shamelessly flirting with the air hostess and the other is vomiting his guts out in the toilet bowl.

The air hostess didn't even mind flirting with Jason, I wonder what made her do so, the fact that he is Peter Brown's son, the future heir, or his goddamn looks.

Jason is ignoring me for the past three days. He didn't pull any of his stupid stunts with me nor he passed some lewd comments when I sprained my ankle while running down the stairs, which is so not like him.

The old Jason's remarks would make me cry more compared to the sprained ankle.

Getting bored, I stepped into the bedroom and saw Ryan sleeping curled up in bed. I walked back outside not wanting to disturb him. Jason has now reclined his seat to a flat position with eyes closed and the air hostess was nowhere to be seen.

"Jason" I sat beside him and poked him on his shoulder with my index finger.

He didn't move.

"Jason" I called a little louder and poked him again.

I know he is not sleeping and just ignoring me. He is flirting just minutes before.

"Jason!!" I shouted in his ears grinning mischievously.

"What?" He asks irritated and closing his ear with his finger. He lifted the mask from his eyes.

"I'm bored" I whined.

I can't help because this is a long flight! Nearly 20hours and we are the only three members other than the pilots and air hostesses.

"Not my problem. Don't disturb me." He said dryly pulling the mask back to his eyes.

"Come on now, why are you ignoring me?" I asked him.

As we fight with each other, his ignorance should be like a blessing to me but I'm bored without him disturbing me especially when Ryan is passed out like a druggie with a drug overdose.

"I'm not. Go watch some movies or just ask the flight attendant for some food. Now let me sleep. This journey is already irritating enough don't make it worse with your presence." He said.

"I know you had a great time flirting with that air hostess. So don't lie that you didn't enjoy the journey. Are you upset that she left you alone and went back?" I giggled at him.

"If you are feeling jealous of her, that she got my unwavering attention. I'm sorry but I don't wish to see your face so fuck off."

Whoa, where did that come from? I thought. There is no need to be so rude dude! If you say nicely I may leave you alone.

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