2 - Rides and milkshake

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At lunch, I walked with my lunch tray searching for Ryan and Sophie, my best friends. Ryan and I met Sophie on the first day of kindergarten while she was bawling her eyes out. Somehow we befriended her. Since then we three are stuck together through thick and thin.

Peter and my dad are best friends since childhood. Mama and Kristina became good friends over a period of time. Thanks to all the double dates our parents had in college.

Kristina always wished for a girl but she is stuck with 2boys. That made me her unofficial daughter. I'm a few months older than Ryan.

Peter and Kristina always love having me around and pampering me. I love going shopping with mama and Kristina. She leaves no chance of spoiling me. Ryan is like the bestest friend one could get, he is the one friend who always has my back, unlike Jason who is always at war with me.

"Amy, what are you dreaming about?" asked Ryan.

I looked at the pair of light blue eyes staring at me. He got his father's eyes, while Jason has green eyes just like Kristina but sharp features like Peter.

"Nothing, just wondering, where is the Devil? I have to invite his friends." I replied sighing and eying the cafeteria.

"There they are" replied Sophie just as Jason, his football gang, and Jessica with her minions sat at a corner table in the cafeteria.

I walked towards them trying to put on a smiling face so much that my cheeks started to hurt. All heads turned towards me as I stood by their table and cleared my throat. I could feel a pair of sea-green eyes drilling holes in my face but I ignored him.

"Hey guys, I was wondering maybe if you are free this weekend, and would like to come to the amusement park with me Sophie, and Ryan, and yeah Jason is coming too" I blurted out everything. I want to get over it asap.

"You don't want me to come, but now all of a sudden, Why are you inviting my friends?" Jason asked with a suspicious look.

I just shrugged my shoulders "We can't go if you aren't coming, so I thought to invite your friends too, the more the merrier" I tried to look as cool as possible. I just hope he won't catch what I'm planning.

"Jason, Are you going to the amusement park? But I told you I want to go to my friend's party with you. I already told her I would be coming with my boyfriend." Jessica whined beside him climbing to his arm.

Do they know anything about personal space? I mean she is always plastered to his body. I just don't get it. How is he tolerating her?

"And I never agreed to come to the party Jess" Jason deadpanned and Jessica's face scowled at me in response.

I don't care bitch. But, if you can then please take him to that goddamn party I would be indebted to you forever.

"I think we all should go to the amusement park" Dylan, Jason's best friend replied excitedly.

I smiled at him in response. He is the only friend of Jason I liked. He is sweet and caring, unlike the others. Jessica and Cindy are such a show-off and always rude to others. Tony is an asshole you could always see him bullying others in the school hallways.

And Jason is a masterpiece whom you can't even understand. He goes hot-cold-hot like he has split personality disorder. I just can't understand how a person like Dylan is stuck with these people.

"I'm going for sure and I guess you guys can come too if you want" Jason replied like he doesn't care if they are coming or not.

Tony and Cindy looked at each other shrugging and replied "swell"

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