37 - Will you marry me?

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Just when I thought there is no more drama for tonight. There stood Jason annoyed for God knows what near his bedroom door waiting for me with his hands on his hips and eyes spitting fire. Just before he tried to open his mouth to speak I cut him saying,

"What did you too enrolled to be a pain in my ass today? It's late and all I wanna do is hit the bed. So good night."

I walked to my room visibly stomping my feet and banging my door shut showing Jason I'm in no mood to take his drama tonight. Changing into my PJs I slipped under the covers.

By the time I woke up, it's already afternoon and my stomach is growling. I freshened up and came downstairs to see pizza in a box with a note.

'Going out. If you want to come for Caleb's proposal be ready by 5. I will pick you.'

I heated the pizza and sat on the couch eating. God, I'm so hungry and nothing satisfies the hunger like a good pepperoni pizza.

I heard my phone ringing, I sprinted upstairs to my bedroom with my pizza slice in hand. I groaned seeing the idiotic grinning face calling me. I shoved the whole slice in my mouth and wiped the grease on my hands on my shorts and accepted the call.

"Heyyyaaa" Ryan greeted me cheerfully, he was sitting near the kitchen counter. Maybe cheerfully is an understatement seeing his whole set of teeth are visible, eyes wide and his face is glowing like he had a damn facial.

"What happened to you?" Ryan asked his face frowning a bit.

"What happened to me?" I looked at myself in the mirror. Okay, it's just I have dark circles under my eyes despite sleeping like a log till afternoon. The bird's nest that I call my hair needed some brushing. Other than that I'm perfectly fine.

"Your face is pale and seems like you lost some weight. Is Jason even feeding you properly? Don't tell me you were missing me." Ryan wriggled his eyebrows playfully.

"Get lost you prick. Now that you have a girlfriend you forgot your best friend. Where were you yesterday when I so badly wanted to talk with you?" I snorted at him.

"And now I want to know what you wanted to talk about. Come on spill it out." Ryan urged me.

"It's a lost cause now. I want to get my mind off something, that's it." I sighed pushing the mental image of Jason's lips far away from my mind.

"So how are things between you and Leslie. I think you got some action?" I asked him teasing.

"Yup. Want some details? I'm dying to share you know." Ryan jiggled his eyebrows again at me.

"No thanks." I gagged and rolled my eyes at him.

"So got eyes for any hot boy? I can't understand why you are still single. Get yourself a boyfriend. I want to give tips to understand boys better. But both my besties are lost causes. You don't have a boyfriend, and Sophie is just busy in her academics and forgot that she even has a boyfriend." Ryan groaned.

"I can't accept anyone else but you as my boyfriend you know." I teased him.

"Not funny Amy! Don't make me doubt your friendship all over again." I heard Leslie groan from the other side of the phone.

I laughed out loud throwing my head back. "Oh my God!! Oh my God!! Ryan our secret is out. Why didn't you tell me Leslie was there?" I faked panic.

Oh boy! She used to be a little bitchy towards me in high school thinking I was dating Ryan even after clarifying so many times.

"I forgot babe. But we could hypnotize her and make her forget this phone call." Ryan whispered on the call. I saw a cushion flying and smacking his face. I threw my head back in laughter.

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