26 - It's not your fault

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The way Aunt Seema stroked my hair made me miss mama so much. Whenever I'm feeling low or upset mama used to place my head on her lap and stroke my hair. That small act used to make me feel so better and all my worries used to vanish.

Oh, how I wish all of this was a big nightmare and I wake up in mama's lap, Dad waiting for me with my favorite ice cream to cheer me up. I miss them so much. I feel so much anger towards them for leaving me out here alone.

I'm starting to feel drowsy maybe because of the medicine. "I'm feeling sleepy. I don't want to keep you here." I said with a low voice and tried to get up from her lap. She has a lot of work in the kitchen.

"Okay go to sleep but, call me if you need anything." Saying she tucked me in my bed and placed a kiss on my forehead and left closing the door behind her slowly.

I smiled at the warmth that she gave me. Soon I felt my eyelids heavy and slipped into a deep sleep.

I woke up hearing some voices in my room and groggily opened my eyes and saw Harsh standing a few feet away from my bed.

I felt an inexplicable fear after seeing him near me. I jerked sitting up on the bed and clenched the comforter tightly close to my chest.

"Get away from me. Please don't hurt me" my voice trembled. Harsh gave me a puzzled look.

"Amelia? Are you okay? Did you have a nightmare again? Do you need anything?" He inquired me and took a step towards the bed.

"I told you to stay away from me. Get out of my room. Don't come to me." I fumed at him. I looked around me and yanked the first thing that came to my view and tossed it at his face.

Just before the water bottle can hit his face Jason pulled Harsh away. A slight relief ran through me after catching a glimpse of Jason. Is he in the room all the while or did he enter now?

"Amy? It's Harsh. He won't hurt you. Are you feeling okay? Do you want to go see a doctor?" Ryan asked worriedly. I looked to my other side to see Ryan sitting on an ottoman beside the bed with a worried expression.

Why didn't I notice Ryan and Jason in the room earlier? I thought while trying to take deep breaths to calm myself.

"I think it's better if I wait outside." Harsh mumbled and made his way through the door.

My vision turned blurry with the tears clouding my eyes. Jason immediately came over to me and kneeled beside Ryan. Not wanting to show them my crying face, I placed my hands on my face as silent sobs escape from me.

Jason slowly removed my hands from my face. "Look at my kitty. Why are you crying??" He asked wiping my tears.

"I don't know. I got so scared after seeing Harsh near me. I thought he will hurt me like Sa. Sameer." My voice cracked and more tears followed.

"You know that Harsh won't hurt you right? He even helped Jason by throwing a few punches at Sameer's friends who tried to stop Jason from thrashing Sameer." Ryan spoke first. I glanced at him and nodded a yes.

"But I also thought Sameer won't hurt me," I whimpered.

"It's just that I got so scared of seeing him when I woke up," I added. I'm feeling a lot more guilty and want to apologize to Harsh for my behavior.

"Oh, Amy," Ryan said hugging me. I want to hug him back but strangely my hands laid motionless in my lap.

"How are you feeling now? Your fever reduced but are you feeling any weakness?" Jason asked me after Ryan pulled back from the hug.

"Better now"

"Amy I'm so sorry. All of this happened because of me. I gave you the stupid idea and took you there. I didn't look after you but got busy in the game. If only I stayed by your side the whole time.." Ryan choked on his words.

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