39 - Project and Inneundos

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"We just met at McD yesterday. Let's go to the new cafe that opened down the street." Zack groaned while we are on the way to McD to plan the group assignment.

"We aren't going to stuff our faces with food Zacky! We are going to work on the assignment." Reeva retorted.

"Oh come on aren't you bored of eating the same hamburgers the last 2days?" Zack whined.

"Tell me what wrong I did in my past life to earn you as my groupmate?" I grunted at Zack.

With Zack my patience is running thin there is only so little left in me. Off lately all he does is getting on my nerves.

"Oh not past life Amelia, in high school... you ignored this 6ft hunkiness," Zack replied wriggling his eyebrows at me.

I so want to grab the fork and stab him in the eyes but I'm not too keen on making this bohemian playhouse in jail so we will save the idea for later.

Deep breathes you can't stab Zack!

"After the CAD class, when we go to my place, I will ask Stella to be your official chef and you can request her all your cravings. Now please let us concentrate on the presentation. If we finalize it now. We can go start working with your dream house." I pleaded him.

"And now we are talking," Zack replied. After that, he didn't disturb us but even helped. So it's settled Mandy will do the introduction, Reeva will say about the brief history and characteristics of the boho style.

I will explain the design, color palette, patterns. Kevin about the use of natural light, greenery, and furniture. Zack is given the last  2slides conclusion and a  thank you.

After satisfied with the presentation. We grabbed our hamburgers and fries and quickly shoved them in our mouth

After our lunch at McD, we rushed a bit late to the CAD class and settled in the last rows of the tiered seating.

As we sat with our laptops practicing the L-shaped 3D stairs. Mrs.Vance helping the students and going around the class. I heard light snores and saw the guy beside me sleeping with his head on the keyboard.

"Zack Mrs.Smith is coming this way." I jabbed him.

"Zack wake up" I shoved him again.

"Not tonight baby. I'm tired." He mumbled.

"My bad. I tried waking him up." I hissed irritated.

"He stayed out last night. Let him be." Kevin whispered beside me.

Mrs.Smith came to our aisle checking how we are doing. Shot an indignant look at sleeping Zack and crossed her arms. Kevin jumped to his defense immediately.

"Mrs. Smith, Zack is suffering from insomnia he didn't sleep for the last 2days. I just couldn't wake him up. But I will make sure this doesn't happen next time." 

Mrs. Smith nodded her head uncrossed her hands and left.

"Zack has insomnia?" Mandy asked Kevin the same thing in my mind.

"who knows"  Kevin winked in response, earning giggles from me and Mandy.

I didn't know that Kevin the goody two shoes could lie.


After the class, Mandy and Reeva hopped into my car. Zack and Kevin are coming by Zack's bike. They are going to stop by and get all the art supplies we might need to make our Bohemian-styled miniature house.

After settling on the couch in the living room. I went to the kitchen to grab a plate of peanut butter cookies that Stella baked.

I caught Mandy and Reeva looking at the whole place with wide eyes and mouths open.

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