41 - Emotional Blackmail

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By the time I finished my meeting with the manager regarding the new project as I need to recheck few things it was past 1 at midnight. Sighing I came out from my study stretching my arms and kneading my stiff neck and ready to hit the bed.

The house is eerily calm. Everyone is probably sleeping. When I'm about to climb the stairs, I saw Amy walking inside with her head down and mumbling something under her breath. Her face looked red and her hands were trembling. She didn't even notice me and kept walking towards the stairs.

I cleared my throat when she is about to bump into me. That got her startled and she stumbled back a little. She looked so frightened just like a kid got caught while stealing candy. Her bottom lip trembled and her hands started fidgeting.

Is she okay?
Where did she go this late? And Why is she so nervous? What happened?

I have so many questions running through my mind but I don't want to seem like I'm intruding in her life like last time and upset her.

"Did you go out at this time?" I asked checking my watch.

"Ye..yeah to have ice cream with R...Ryan" she stuttered.

Okay, she is with Ryan then maybe they got into a fight. Before I could ask her more her face scrunched and then it turned redder. Is she angry? At me? At Ryan?

Then she looked straight into my eyes. Her hazel eyes which were terrified a second ago now looked so beautiful absorbed deep in thought. She got startled all of a sudden and started looking here and there avoiding eye contact.

"You okay?" I took a step towards her. She is not being herself today. I wonder what happened!

But next the unexpected... She pushed me slightly and mumbled a sorry and dashed up the stairs to her room.

I stood in dilemma whether to go after her or just give her some time. I heard Ryan walking in whistling and tossing the car keys in his hands. He looked perfectly fine to me.


"Hi. You were awake?" He looked surprised

"Yeah, meeting. You?"

"Went for ice cream with Amy"

"Oh... Is she fine? I just saw her and she is not acting herself, seemed nervous."

"Nothing I woke her up from her sleep. So she is a bit sleepy, cranky and rambling on and not making sense."

"Sure nothing else? Because to me, it seemed like she was hiding something and under some sort of stress."

"Nah... I'm her best friend. I know better." Ryan gave a cocky smile.

"If you say so" I shrugged my shoulders and left to my room wishing him goodnight.


Breakfast in this house is mostly cereal. But today mom prepared eggs, toast, pancakes, bacon, blueberry waffles, juice, and coffee.

I took my seat at the table. Everyone is already present except my kitty. Isn't she getting late for her classes? Is she fine after last night?

"Let me call Amy" saying Ryan stood up from his chair.

"She already left for college." Mom replied.

"Already?" Ryan groaned slumping down in his chair.

"Can't she skip college for one day since I'm here?" He whined.

"I want all of us to have breakfast and dinner together these 2days. But she pleaded about some project and left. But I want everyone to be here for dinner on time."

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