89 - Mysterious Mrs.Brown

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"Kevin called." Reeva sighed.

"Missing your loverboy?" I teased. We are having a self-care spa day at home. We sat with sheet masks on our faces.

"What? We aren't a tacky couple like you and Jason. We achieved peace in the relationship." She flipped her imaginary hair back.

"Did you understand what you just said?" Mandy asked giggling.

"Sadly, NO" Reeva chortled.

"Anyway, why did he call?" I asked.

"He wants to talk some sense into Zack but every time he called Ned was answering the call and he isn't passing the phone to Zack. Kevin went to Zack's new place but the guards didn't let him enter inside nor did they tell Zack that Kevin came to meet him." Reeva said worriedly.

"Is he like house arrested by them?" I asked confused.

"I think so." Reeva sighed.

"Kevin can talk to him after the class," Mandy said.

"Are you blind? Didn't you see how Zack is running to his car the second the class is finished?" Reeva asked annoyed.

The more I think the more confusing it is.

Today you can go but remember you have to see me again tomorrow, the day after that and the day after that... Till you agree to become MINE.

Zack's last words still gave rise to goosebumps whenever I remembered them. But it's been 2weeks since the incident but he never did anything, he didn't even talk to me.

Even the other day when we both came face to face accidentally in the corridor he stepped aside and went away like I'm a stranger.

His words and actions are contradicting so much! Is he forced by Mr. Hector to act this way? I know Hector is messing with his head but are they holding him against his will?

"At what time is Jason coming?" Reeva asked me pulling me out of my thoughts.

"He will reach in an hour or two, I guess" I shrugged my shoulders. The time difference and workload didn't give us much time to talk with each other. Just a message here and there.

"Is that why you are into skincare today." Mandy teased.

"You are the one who wants to do it since day one." I pointed out removing my sheet mask.

"Yeah, but you didn't agree to it since day 1 but now you wanna play spa day all of a sudden when dear husband is coming." Reeva joined Mandy.

Why are people always interested in pulling my leg.

"Oh come on guys, I agreed just because you are asking and there is no need to doll up for Jason. He has seen me at my worst" I giggled remembering all the times I puked in front of him in the past or worse on him.

There was a loud commotion suddenly outside, one of the guards came running into the living room.

"What's all the noise about?" I asked him.

"Mam, reporters are here asking for both of you. Please don't come out."

"Why did reporters suddenly come?"

He stayed mum glancing at his shoes.

"You can go." I dismissed him sighing.

"What happened?" Mandy's anxious voice made me turn towards her.

"Probably another news about Mysterious Mrs.Brown" I chuckled shaking my head.

I grabbed my phone from the center table and searched 'Jason Brown' on the search tab.

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